Fluff, Yui, Nejire,and Kaina.

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As Izuku rubbed his eyes awake and checked his phone, He noticed he had gotten a new email. As he opened it up, His face turned into a large smile. He had been trying to set something up for Yui. Yui never had grandiose things that Izuku could make work, She never wanted to be in the spotlight, She never wanted the massive amusement parks, and She wasn't planning to become an actress. So Izuku couldn't do what he normally would and take stuff to the extreme. But he did know something she liked.

Yui's entire hero outfit was almost based on the show Ultraman. Izuku finally got word back that they were okay and honored to have a meeting with Yui. It was hard to connect with the right people for Izuku, But he pulled it off. Looking into the pile of sleepy women Izuku saw her Pjama stick out, Grabbing her and pulling her out, showing she was already wide away just stuck and unable to escape.'' thank you.'' Oh, you wait. Let's get dressed and then you can thank me.'' Izuku said with a toothy grin, Yui just nodded. 

'' I can not believe you would do something like this,'' Yui said in her monotone voice, If Izuku didnt know any better, He would have assumed he was in trouble, but Yui's eyes screamed excitement, Her aura beamed like it seldom had. She was over the moon, As they entered the large empty restaurant. Izuku smiled at Yui as he opened the door. In the room, a group of People Yui instantly recognized Hiroki Matsumoto and Masashi Taniguchi, The current and future forms of Ultraman Decker. Yui gave a deep bow as she noticed some of the writers and directors also showed up.

Yui being a superfan, knew all of them.'' It's on Honor Princess, We were not aware you were a fan.'' Yes, All My life, I have watched every movie and every show. It's my favorite.'' Yui said with 100% honesty. She could not remember a better show or one she had as much fun with. The lore, the story the villains everything was perfect.'' It would be an honor if you would want to make an appearance and help fight off the opponents until Ultraman can come.'' Yui's lips turned the ever so slightest upward. She smiled. Something that filled Izuku's heart with warmth and Instantly it was agreed upon.

It was a slightly longer process than Izuku would have hoped, But They wanted it to be big, And they had the right to want that. So they made it into a movie. Hell Izuku would even show up. Only because Yui forced him to, But through all the hard work that was shooting a movie, Yui did not look bored or sad for a moment. She held an aura that screamed joy. She again had a smile on her face as she was doing her final fight scene with Ultraman, Both fighting together to beat the alien overlord that tried to take over Earth.

Yu could not have been more excited. She enjoyed each scene, she got pictures autographs, and memorabilia. She saved it all. She felt it was too important not to. With a smile, she put on her best dress. She allowed Mitsuki and Camie to style her as best they could to strengthen her natural beauty. With her family and Izuku, she walked down the red carpet to the premiere of the Ultraman Movie. Izuku acted purely like arm candy and he loved it, Nobody could put any attention on Izuku, Because Yui was the center point and for once, she enjoyed it.


Izuku looked at the upside down and captured Nejire, She was giggling like a crazy person as Izuku caught her. He had been slightly sneaky. He had been stepping out to take phone calls. Hiding certain emails from Nejire. But it was done in the extra, Izuku slamming his laptop down as she entered the room. It made her feel something was up. Izuku himself smiled.'' Took you long enough to act, I had been waiting for you to follow me, Hell I have trapped Mina 4 different times instead.'' Izuku said as Nejire just laughed.

'' Why did you want to capture me, wanna do sexy times, Is this the bbdl no bdsm stuff NemNem talked about.'' Izuku chuckled.'' No, And not at this moment, I think I have found something you can ride instead.'' Izuku said as he threw the captured Nejire over his shoulder before walking toward his car. As he was in the middle of the dorm Nejire wined.'' BUT IZUKU, I LIKE RIDING ON YOU.'' Half the class exploded in laughter, while Eri agreed, that Papa was a great horse, mainly cause he could turn into a horse and a tiger, and dinosaurs,

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