More fluff exstended

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'' Are you sure there is a band playing tonight?'' Kyoka asked as Izuku dragged her along. He had randomly stolen her out of the dorm room. Saying they had plans. He threw her in Tank before speeding away. Kyoka was worried because Izuku said her favorite band would be playing. Kyoka wasn't a stalker of course but she knew they weren't having a concert today. Nor this week. They had one next week near Tokyo. But not today. But it was Izuku. But now again It was a concert hall. The largest in the nearby area. and there were so many cars.

She was shocked to see how many cars there were, How could she have missed such an event.'' Oh my god Izuku I love you, I didnt even know they were playing.'' Izuku smirked slightly as he kept dragging her. Now alot easier as Kyoka had almost gone in a full-blown sprint. As they entered Instead of a fancy box. Instead, they went up to the back. They were backstage. A place Kyoka had dreamed of meeting the band. They had not gone yet. They of course would be the main attraction.'' We are just early enough to see the opening act nice.'' Izuku said with a smile.

Kyoka peeked her head out. wanting to see who had the honor to jump out before the greatest band. But instead of seeing some lesser artists. her band walked out.'' IZUKU WHY ARE THEY GOING OUT FIRST, THAT'S NOT HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO GO.'' Kyoka got worried because of who she was with.'' What do you mean? Maybe they just wanted to play really badly. Maybe they wanted to go first for once.'' Izuku said hiding the real reason. Kyoka stared at him. Her observation haki that detects a lie wouldn't work. Damn, Izuku and his training.

Izuku smiled as Kyoka's watchful eye turned away and her full focus went to the band and the band only. They were pulling out the biggest hits they had. And the crowd was loving it. They were cheering and singing alone. None as much as Kyoka. No matter how famous her name would be because of her relationship with Izuku. No matter what famous person would bow in front of her. She was a fan girl of the highest order for music. It could be the most underground artist there was. She would cheer as hard as she could for them

Izuku had to smile. Kyoka was such an amazing artist. It was 100% like she was part of the band. Mouthing the words perfectly, dancing perfectly on queue. She could just be placed in the middle of them and be perfectly fine. Izuku smirked slightly. Kyoka was kind of cute dancing like that. Too cute not to not be seen by the entire world. She deserved the attention of the entire world. And she would just get that. The band played 5 of their greatest hits. The top 5 of Kyoka's favorites. She assumed she got lucky.

They walked off stage. A guitar. One she could see from afar, Her eyes nearly fell out of her head. It was a cool ass design. But what was more important? was the autographs. Kyoka noticed some of them. It was the greatest of the greatest singers and guitarists. That guitar alone was worth the money. As the band walked past they waved.'' Good luck out there.'' Kyoka looked confused. before she realized. She didnt turn fast enough. her face was already filled with fear. She felt it. that warm hand of Izuku. Place firmly on her lower back.


Kyoka was pushed out in the open. Standing in the middle of the stage, nearly stumbling on the floor. The spotlights hit her. Before she nearly fell over because of the sound. The sound of nearly 100,000 people cheering for her, cheering as loud as they could. yelling about how much they loved Kyoka. It was a lot. She wanted to walk away but. Izuku's voice went over the loudspeaker.'' LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS, EVERYONE PLEASE RAISE YOUR HANDS AND CHEER LOUDLY FOR THE MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING. THE REASON YOU ARE ALL OUT HERE TODAY. IT'S KYOKA JIRO'S FIRST-EVER PERFORMANCE IN FRONT OF A LARGE STAGE.''

He was forcing her to perform. Izuku stepped out toward the side. Kyoka looking right at him. Two thumbs up and he worded I love you.'' damn idiot, I will kill him later.'' She stepped toward the mic.'' uhm hi.'' She said shyly. She walked toward the guitar. Everything started connecting in her mind. For nearly a month he had been asking if she had any new sons she made. if she could make some. She did. Kyoka made songs in the past time when she was bored. And with Izuku's request, she made a couple. Perfectly playable right now

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