Where's the trouble

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The training was over soon enough. All those who joined in on the exercise had moved toward the 1A dorms to have a large dinner together. The teachers however still had some stuff to do, So as they shuffled away, Sore and tired from the training, It, however, didn't stop Nemuri from Laughing at them.'' Who is going to cook?'' Mina asked the group as she rubbed one of her many bruises.'' I mean I can if'' NO NEVER RUMI YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED.'' Nemuri quickly screamed not wanting the kitchen to explode.

 Izuku smiled.'' Don't you worry, I will just cook us something. It's not that hard.'' Sure Izuku trained and fought, Sure he was sore and kinda hurt, But I mean just making a metric fuck ton of pure food.'' So everyone is good with egg-fried rice.'' Sure but where are we gonna find an egg that can fry rice.'' Kaminari joked getting the group to laugh. Izuku just shook his head. He grabbed a large wok pan, Some extra containers that would serve as holders for the food. Izuku filled the rice cookers with as much rice as they could be filled.

With around 20 minutes to spare Izuku relaxed a little. He took this time to just slowly cut the vegetables and grab enough eggs to mix. '' Hah I could have done that better.'' Bakugo said cockily seeing the knife skills.'' Oh please show me then.'' Izuku knew what he was doing, He just smiled as Bakugo scowled.'' N-no I don't fucking want to.'' He lied, He just was unable to move. The workout had really taken it out of him and the second he relaxed his body said nope and shut down.'' That's what I thought, But here.'' Izuku threw up some carrots.

Izuku moved his knife once. In a straight line. But in that one single movement, The carrots were peeled. and diced.'' Show off.'' Nemuri scoffed as she looked at the new house Eri had built in Minecraft, It was purely made of wool, Different colors, and had the resemblance of a teddy bear.'' Duh, Why else would I put in the effort.'' Izuku laughed before cutting the other vegetables. The ding of the rice cooker went off and Izuku pulled out the rice and put a new one on it.'' Yo Denki, you able to like bring that rice to me when it's done.'' Kaminari just gave a thumbs-up.

Izuku, of course, had chosen Kaminari on purpose, He was totally going to mess with him Because dammit that is fun. He had used the Tama Tama no Mi( Egg-Egg fruit) and transformed himself into part egg, Just to make the joke he made a reality. Which was great. Kaminari walked out shortly after Izuku was done, Having perfectly timed it. '' Yeah you can bring this stuff back in and start eating, Second batch will be on the way shortly.'' Haha sure haha,'' Kaminari chuckled to himself the entire time.

'' Hey I wanted to ask before but you were kind of busy fighting Izuku. What is that Work study thing you talked about.'' Kyoka asked, She accidentally overheard Mirio talk about it.'' Oh, it's great, You can like intern with this random pro hero and like you are like a pro hero.'' Nejire excitedly told them, But it didnt really explain it to them.'' I will explain it a little better don't worry.'' Nemuri said with a smile.'' The work studies normally are reserved for second-year students. You have the opportunity to work with a pro hero.''

This confused most students.'' So like the internships?'' Nemuri shook her head.'' No, there you are just an intern. During Work studies, you are by all accounts a sidekick, You do patrols, You write incident reports, and You might even do missions. It would be your first real job as a pro and it's there to really get you all ready.'' Nemuri explained with Izuku walking in with the rest of the food.'' What are we talking about.'' Oh, just nothing, It's for tomorrow.''  Izuku laughed before filling the plates with fried rice.'' Wonder who will take me.'' Izuku joked.

'' You can always intern with me. Sir Nighteye most likely will be okay with it.'' Nemuri nodded.'' That might be a good choice, I wouldn't suggest joining one of your girlfriends, at least not yet, Emotions can often get in the way. '' Izuku just shrugged as he started eating. On the other side, The teachers had a talk with Nezu.''  Sorry to have pulled you away from rest, But I have some troubling news.'' I assume because you also asked us, It revolves around the prince.'' Shanks asked with Nezu nodding. Izumi just dropped on her ass.'' Oh for fuck sake what does that idiot do now.''

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