Camp part 2

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after having a nice shower everyone went right to bed to wake up bright and early tomorrow so they could start the day, This, of course, was only the case for a few, as Many spent it playing games. The groups were small and they kept it quiet and to themselves, As the others sleep, But it was played all in good fun, Truth or dare mostly, Sero asking Awase to shock himself on Kaminari, Tsubara asking Kirishima who his gay crush would be, Much like that on the boy's side was also done on the girl's side, Setsuna daring Mina to reveal her biggest fear, Or asking Pony who her lesbian crush was, Both both groups did go to sleep.

They just wished it was sooner cause at 6:30 The heroes and Eri came by with pot and spoon and started banging loudly outside the door, This was slightly early for Eri but she had woken up this time before to spent it training with Izuku. While Izuku was already awake.'' What is all that noise.'' Izuku asked from Behind Pixie-bob who screamed and tried punching Izuku out of pure reaction, Izuku however just leaned his head sideways to dodge it.'' Good morning to you aswell Pixie-bob''

Pixie-bob's heart dropped as she saw she just tried to take a swing as the prince'' Midoriya what are you doing awake and out.'' Oh, I woke up thirty minutes ago and decided to start the day with a brisk walk thru the forest, Hope that is alright didnt notice any real dangerous wildlife.'' Izuku told Aizawa who nodded as Nemuri stopped the rapidly bowing and apologizing Pixie-bob. 

Slowly the rest of the students started to crawl out, Each one tired and irritated.'' LISTEN UP MAGGOTS, TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF PURE HELL, YOU WILL HATE US, YOU WILL DESPISE US, BUT WE WILL GET YOU IN BETTER SHAPE THEN YOU WEAKLINGS ARE NOW,'' Tiger spoke like a drill Sargent as the students stood in a group.'' YOU ALL WILL START WITH 5 RUNS AROUND THE ENTIRE COMPOUND, ANY COMPLAINS AND THAT WILL TURN TO 10, NOW MOVE YOUR ASS AND RUN.'' Izuku who was already fully awake started jogging with others slowly following him

'' COMMON GUYS WE HAVE GOT THIS, JUST WAKE UP,'' Izuku called back at the slow group of late-night enjoyers, Those that played late-night truth or dare, They were behind the others and still shuffling.'' Bro I am so tired.'' Kirishima said his eyes still wanting to close. Izuku just slowed down slightly before getting behind them at a near-walking pace. Before using the Hie Hie no mi( Ice Ice fruit) and hitting their necks with ice waking them up and making them speed up. and he was doing that the entire run. 

After being done with the 5 runs the tired group dropped to the floor wanting to sleep, But Tiger didnt let up.'' GOOD JOB WEAKLINGS YOU MADE IT THRU THE WARM-UP, SO NOW WE WILL START WITH SOME LIGHT WORK BEFORE EATING BREAKFAST, I WANT TO SEE 20 PUSH-UPS, 50 SITUPS, AND 25 BURPEES,  NOW GET TO IT.'' Tiger yelled as People started moving. It was simple work out but sadly many were still tired, But with the help of the awake students, Everyone was able to get thru it.

Breakfast was simple, it just being some rice and fish, Each one loved it as they were tired and it gave them some energy back.'' Has everyone eaten their fill, all your bellies must be full.'' Mandalay said with a kind smile as everyone nodded, She looked at Izuku who also nodded. Nemuri made sure he ate enough even if he wouldn't say so.

'' Now we are going to make everyone split up into even groups. Making everyone work out in groups for their perfect group, Now everyone that uses a strength quirk please go toward Tiger, He will train you, The rest stay here and we will work out who trains with who.'' Mandalay said with Everyone nodding, Izuku was pulled away by Nemuri who was there to train him.

'' Eri you got your training stick.'' Yes, mommy, me, and Kota are ready.'' It showed the two students with large kendo sticks.'' Now Izuku anytime you fail my two little helpers will beat you blue, understand.'' Izuku looked at Eri and Kota.'' You won't hit your papa right.'' Eri shook her head.'' I have to papa, Mama said she would give me candy apples.'' Izuku knew he was now going to be smacked. '' Fine So what.'' Well your quirk revolves around Stamina, Your skill is well above the normal limit, So we are going to give you more energy.'' Izuku nodded assuming it wouldn't be that bad

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