Learning something new

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Izuku rushed back into the room. He took note of Doflamingo getting himself out of the rubble. But He was going to punch one before attacking the other. Seeing how Doflamingo just got punched, Kaido would be next. While he wasn't planning on compressing his arm into his body again. He wasn't planning on going soft aswell. With a deep breath, he focused his Haki over his arm again. Unlike the base Haki which has to be focused on your hand. This was over it, like a glove. Before then throwing his fist backward slightly and slinging it forward.

'' GOMU GOMU NO PISTOL.'' Izuku yelled out as his fist flew at Kaido. Again making contact caused him to recoil slightly. Kaido wanted to understand where this power came from. It seemed to be Internal destruction and not just external like most fights. But then again. When he remembered his fights with some of the legends of old. They just didnt pack the same amount of force. He remembered his fight with Gol, Very well. A fight he nearly died at, And each attack that old man gave him, felt like nothing he had ever felt.

'' You lack real power you know that boy. Your attacks lack your FULL WILL POWER, JUST LIKE THIS.'' Kaido said sad at first before growing angry and swinging his bat with force. Izuku dropped to the floor, dropping straight on his back to dodge the swing. But Kaido seemingly saw it coming. Now he was holding onto the bat above his head, both fists on the handle and it was aimed down, right at the prone Izuku.'' Oops.'' Izuku Uses Geppo to kick himself out of the way. Just in time as Kaido brought the Kanabo down to the ground.

It registered on the Rictor scale. Kaido's attack had been felt like a small earthquake around the area.'' Sorry big man, I can't keep hitting you, Gotta share the love.'' Izuku said as he rolled backward. His feet connect with the wall. Which he used as a springboard. Going past Kaido right for Doflamingo who just got up. The speed was near teleportation. And the force would have been enough to kill any normal being. Izuku once again with a Ryuu-covered Fist, swung at Doflamingo and connected with his skull. He again ragdolled backwards seemingly down for the count.

Because while Doflamingo would have been a threat in his own right. He would have been a threat to younger Izuku. Right now Izuku was in a weight class above Doflamingo. Izuku was out of his league and this was just bullying. It was why Izuku now used the force he did. Bullying those weaker than you weren't heroic, even if they were villainous scum. But Kaido had no problem bullying those weaker than him. Not did he care who they were, so even when Doflamingo stood next to Izuku. Kaido swung to kill.

Izuku barely got his hands up. Both fists covered in Ryuu to push against the Kanabo of Kaido. A clash of wills as both used Haki.'' You are using Ryuu Boy. I had not expected a child like yourself to wield something like that, WORORORORORO THIS JUST BECAME SO MUCH MORE FUN.'' Kaido laughed, loving to be given a good fight. Loving the death battle feel to all of this. He could die at any moment, But it didnt matter, That was what made this fun. With Joy, Kaido swung his weapon again. And Izuku followed along. Swinging his fist and clashing with Kaido.

Clash after clash happened, Blow after blow but nothing came of it. They did not get hurt not tired. And Kaido quickly grew sober and annoyed.'' WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS? I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA TRY AND KILL ME, HOW PATHETIC.'' Izuku wasn't sure what he meant. He was using the best Haki technique Izuku knew off. He was using as much technical skill as one could use. He was doing peak performance in this fight. But it wasn't good enough.'' Fuck it, you want more, Here take as much as you can.'' Izuku used gear second. Smiling as he remembered how much this fruit changed.

When Izuku was younger, he learned how to throw a punch with his rubber-like body. He didnt do much more than joke around. Jordan hitting his head like a baseball bat. causing it to fling around but no harm whatsoever. Before then during the Sports Festival where he unlocked more abilities like gear second and gear third. Unlocking gear fourth thanks to All Might. He had grown so much. But right now he only needs gear second. His rubber heart being used as a pump, turned to the max, His blood rushing to everything harder and faster, giving him a massive boost in ability. Such as speed.

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