The angel and demon of the Blackbeards

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Kaina was on a team along with 2 others. She was the eyes and gave support from long range. She was sitting calmly. Her arm transformed into the long sniper she was used to. 500 meters away. She was using her high levels of observation haki. and her extremely well-trained eyes.'' Hawks Tsukoyomi, Our target is straight in front of you. I will remain hidden until I get a clear shot to take him down.'' Roger Roger Queen. Will be advised to try and get him up and clear so you can take his head off.'' 

Hawks said with a smirk. He loved that he was being asked to help, and hell Tokoyami was a great kid with great potential.'' How about it Chickenwing, I will keep him Busy solo. You just hide and when you get a chance, Go big and knock his ass in the sky for the Future queen to shoot.'' Tokoyami nodded. Dark shadow even popped out.'' WE GOT THIS, LET'S FIND A DARK CORNER  TO HIDE IT HIHI.'' It said excitedly. It never really was given free rein to let lose and go ballistic. But now. He was encouraged to do so.'' 

Hawks flapped his wings, shooting forward at high speeds, Pulling out two large feathers, Ones he often used as swords almost, He tried slicing Laffite across the chest. Something that with his insane speed and quick actions always seemed to work. But Laffite himself sprouted two large white wings and with a flap he jumped back, dodging the attack.'' Oh, It seems the information was right. Here I assumed that speed had to have come from Mister Midoriya.'' Hawks started laughing. This wasn't even a playful funny laugh. This was full blown I am laughing at your stupidity.'' Dude, you really think your WORTHY of Midoriya.''

Laffite was slightly taken aback by it, He tipped his hat down a little bit hiding his eyes in the shadow. The long but slightly lanky man stood perfectly still. In one hand clutching a simple red walking cane. The other balled up in a fist. He wore nice shoes that he enjoyed using to tapdance everywhere. His outfit of choice was an off-white collared long-sleeved shirt, patterned with yellow crosses. and a pair of navy jumper pants. His black top hat and large golden hoop earrings finished off his look.

''W-what did you just say.'' He spoke. Hawks still laughing about it.'' You a fucking barely named loser, used as comedic relief, thinks they are worthy to not only have the future king of the entire world but also one of, perhaps the strongest heroes after them. Personally.'' Hawks said fully flabbergasted by the fact this person was either so insane or that confident.'' I-it doesn't matter, Admiral Teach will surely kill him. I should not bother getting annoyed with dead men, This includes you. How foolish, knowing nothing about me, yet still choosing to fight me alone. It's almost to say, you are a lamb going to slaughter.''

Laffite started spinning his cane as he started walking forward. Tap dancing with each step. Hawks just looked confused but he wasn't going to humor the villain any longer. Flexing his wings wide. Dozens of feathers started dropping off. Before each aimed their sharp bone ends toward Laffitte and went at him like bullets. But Laffitte was able to dodge, using his own wings he flew up, going well above the feathers, believing he was safe, he planned to talk shit.'' Oh how unique, each feather its own thing. how could I ever win, PISH POSH. You my good sir are pathetic. a weak quirk like that, will not even scratch my shirt. It could not even disrupt my hair.''

Hawks smirked.'' I could, But it's so much easier when I don't have to do the work.'' Hawks gave him a wink, He brought his head up, But it was too late. Before he realized. Laffitte just felt the pressure on his chest. Right on his sternum. an absolute heavy pressure was present. He was knocked out of the air, down to the ground. He was still breathing, he was still alive.

Kaina had just fired a non-lethal round. While she could have turned his head into mist. having access to rounds such as a .50 Cal and even more. She found it more important to subdue. as it sends out a better message to the masses. We don't need lethal force to take these people down.'' It's your turn now.'' DARK SHADOW, TOTAL RELEASE.'' Having found a perfect spot of complete darkness, Tokoyami could use one of his ultimate moves. Easily one of if not his absolute strongest moves. The dark clouds above the island only helped as They were seemingly summoned, They thundered loudly as Nami used her finisher, But now it was Tokoyami's turn to end his fight.

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