More Battles.

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Thanks, everyone we just reached 500 views and we did it in 2 weeks so to celebrate have this chapter. See you Saturday. Also, remember to vote and comment on your thoughts to help me improve my writing skills.

''Team E and Team F both get ready.'' All Might told and both teams got ready with Toru and Aoyama going inside the building to play the part of the villains and both Ashido and Kirishima stood outside and went to think of a strategy. Izuku was interested in seeing how both teams would work together or against each other. Uraraka went and walked up to him as he stood to himself most of the time. '' Hey Izuku, Thanks for the Mochi it was really tasty,'' Uraraka said as she got close. Denki hearing them talk and wanting to become friends with Izuku as Denki was a friendly guy and having Izuku as a wingman should be great for him.

'' Yo Shimura how many foods can you make with your quirk man.'' He asked as he walked up to both of them with Sero and Ojiro with him. '' Yeah, And Uraraka how did it taste. Was it just normal mochi or did it taste different?'' Sero asked Uraraka'' it was like normal mochi but a little sweeter.'' She told the class with them wondering about the taste now.'' Well about the food I can make a lot with my Koku Koku no mi (Cook Cook fruit) it just doesn't have a lot of taste. But real powers that make fruit would be Mochi, Biscuits, Cream, Candy syrup, and Candy as well as butter.'' Izuku told them with some getting hungry thinking about those foods to which Izuku clapped his hands together a couple of times making Biscuits come out of thin air because of the Bisu Bisu no me (Biscuit Biscuit fruit) Getting it to everyone except Bakugo who wanted nothing to do with that. Everyone tasted it and like the flavor. '' Oh, these would go perfect with the green tea my mother bought'' Momo told Izuku who gave her an eye smile making her Blush. '' If you ever want some just ask it doesn't take a lot to make them. 

'' That power is kinda powerless tho isn't it as you can just make food with them,'' Denki said as there was still some time before the teams started. '' Well it's not really about the power but how you use the power. Each power can become strong if trained enough.'' Izuku said as he made a small biscuit man and told Denki to hit it which he did but as He made contact with the biscuit man it didn't break. '' just because something looks weak or strong doesn't make it so.'' Izuku told just as the alarm went off and the Ashido and Kirishima went in.

Kirishima was the front horse as expected with his quirk.  Something you wouldn't have expected from the both of them was that Kirishima was breaking walls around them giving them rubble that Mina picked up and threw forward from time to time in random directions. They went slow but steady. As they made it up the stairs to the 3rd floor Mina dropped some stones on the stairs to make sure nothing could sneak up on them as Mina and Toru were friends during middle school and knew her tricks.

Ashido and Kirishima kept walking slow but kept going forward until Kirishima was met with a laserbeam right in the face that he luckily blocked with his quirk. He directed his attention toward the beam and saw Aoyama doing a wear pose. Kirishima went straight for him making Aoyama panic and fire his laser beam again with Kirishima using his arms to block the mean and as he got closer he punched Aoyama right in the stomach taking him out of the fight. 

Mina standing nearby got put into a very sloppy sleeper hold from behind by Toru. Mina was trying to get out of the sleeper hold and was struggling with that but Kirishima had no idea as he was searching for the bomb finding it shortly after in the next room and touching it getting them to win the battle.

'' Team E wins'' All Might announce to the class getting Toru to let go of the hold she had on Mina.'' Ah man'' Toru said as she slumped but because she isn't visible nobody could really tell except Mina who heard her. '' Don't be sad Toru you tried your best and you almost had me.''Mina cheered up her friend getting them to walk out together with Kirishima and Aoyama to also walk out together.

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