The reaction to Big Mom's defeat.

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''WORORORORORORO, THAT OLD HAG FINALLY GOT TAKEN DOWN, WORORORORORO, TELL ME WHO WAS THE ONE THAT DID HER IN.'' The man known as Kaido spoke. He was laying on his side. Just wearing pants, showing off his extremely well-trained body. While he had been just a little shorter than Big Mom. Kaido was pure muscles. So much raw power is often referred to as The Worlds Strongest Creature. Or even the King of Beast. And Kaido lived up to that title. Kaido had been captured before, Around 19 times if you included some rival groups. He has been put to death a total of 40 times but each time Kaido's immense durability stopped the attempt.

His second in command. A man that has been with Kaido for years. He ran the syndicate at the time Kaido was captured. King. His strongest subordinate. a man from a forgotten bloodline. With a dangerous quirk.'' The person to have defeated Big Mom was Izuku Midoriya. If you want I can find him and kill him.'' King was certain of his abilities. He knew all too well that with his biology he was nearly unkillable.

Then again. He underestimated Izuku.'' WORORORORORORO, Black Maria,'' Kaido called out for one of his other subordinates. Kaido much like Big Mom had rankings. He wasn't the leader He went by the rank of General. Under him. His three strongest were the All-stars. Below that was the Tobiroppo. In this group was Black Maria, and Who'swho, the man saber that fought and lost to endeavor. But as Black Maria entered the room she looked unique. She was objectively beautiful. She had long blond hair. On her forehead, two large skin-colored horns turned red at the top. She stood even taller than Kaido at a massive 8.2M tall.

Black Maria was the intelligence officer of sorts. She ran her own set of brothels. Gaining her information all over the world, and even using some of her workers to blackmail high-ranking officials. Knowing all too well that Mister 9 to 5 that works in the HPSC as a board member, would not want his wife and kids to know every Friday he would leave early and take a quick stop at the whore house. '' Yes, Kaido Sama you called for me''. Her clothing chose a long Kimino that didnt rest on her shoulders and gave a view of her cleavage.

'' Yes Where is this Izuku Midoriya now, King is about to kill him.'' Maria's eyes went wide in shock. While she was aware of Kaido's and King's power and would not fight them in any way. Because she had her hand on the pulse of the world. She knew where he was'' I don't think that is a smart thing, sir.'' Kaido raised his eyebrow as he chugged the last of his gourd. spilling half over himself as he was already drunk.'' And why not Black Maria.'' King spoke. His entire being was covered in black leather with multiple spikes.

Black Maria was uncertain. So much so that she pulled out one of her fans to cover his face as she spoke. afraid to make eye contact.'' Uhm. Right now Midoriya is on a small island nearby the south side of Spain, He is there with his two adopted children and his first woman the hero Midnight. She is giving birth to his firstborn.'' WORORORORO'' He isn't alone. His father and mother are also with him, As well as some of his teachers.'' Kaido just kept laughing. an attack and the entire royal family would be wiped off the earth.

'' Sir, Please don't, Let me remind you what happened to Muscular.'' Kaido stopped laughing. He remembered that name.'' Oh that brute murdered, we wanted to recruit that just vanished.'' King said remembering him. While of course not on Kaido's level. Muscular was very powerful. And would have near instantly been a Tobiroppo and might have even been able to challenge for the rank of all-star.'' Yes, sirs, But he didnt vanish perse. Midoriya turned him into a mist. He joined AFO and died because they threatened his family, While I am certain you could win sir, I do not wish for any of you to possibly lose.''

Kaido stroked his chin before laughing.'' WORORORORORORORORO, WORORORORORORO, KING LEAVE, MARIA JOIN ME, AND LET'S HAVE SOME FUN.'' King nodded as he stood up and walked away. Maria on the other hand dropped her Kimono, Knowing all too well what their leader wanted. '' Queen. I need you to find out anything you can about Izuku Midoriya, I have a feeling we will be seeing him soon.'' SHUT it gimp. I was already planning on it for Kaido Sama, Now leave I have work to do. Queen spoke thru the tablet as he was on the other side of Japan.

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