Royal Date Nami&Robin

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Izuku had already fully prepared for both Nami and Robin, The only thing he needed for both dates were both women. But first up would be Nami. Which he was on the phone with now.'' Nami, wait there, I am driving already.'' He wanted to pick her up at her house, It just felt like the best thing to do, But for some reason, Nami didn't have it.'' No, It's okay, I am just getting ready to walk toward you, and it's not that heavy.'' She counters back, trying to say the backs she was holding weren't alot. 

But Izuku just started using his haki stills and found her. It took a bit, but he knew he was in the overall area. So driving quickly he caught up with Nami right outside her front door, walking in the opposite direction of where Izuku was parked before.'' Baby, that's the wrong way.'' Izuku called out, Physically scaring Nami. so much it caused her to drop one of the bags.'' Izuku what are you doing here?!'' she asked worried with Izuku just smiling.'' What I can't just have a pretty girl like yourself walk alone now can I.'' Izuku said opening his door to help lift the bags.

Nami gave a sigh, one half out of irritation and half out of worry.'' Fine, But keep driving forward, It might be the longer route but I like it more.'' Nami tried saying But Izuku would have absolutely none of it.'' No, Nami, I can sense something is wrong, So just tell me what is wrong,'' He said as the Izuku sat down with Nami next to him, Sighing deeply she thought about it. it was hard for her to share, But she knew she had to tell Izuku sooner or later.

'' Fine, Just fine.'' She said with a large exhale.'' Uhm, So when I was younger, I spent my first couple of years in an orphanage, Not really having anything, But then, I got adopted by Robin's mother, I didnt expect much, But I was surrounded by love a mother that deeply cared for me.'' This Izuku already knew, Most of 1A knew this.'' What we don't like to share, Is that around here, There is a gang that runs our community. They force us to pay them for protection, and if we don't, we get attacked, But they have the cops, on their payroll, same for the heroes.''

Izuku nearly crushed his phone in rage. His entire demeanor changed One wanted to absolutely stomp them to death. But it calmed down completely when he felt Nami's hand softly press on his chest.'' Please Izuku, I need to stop them myself, Both Robin and I made that promise that we would defeat them, But we would love some help.'' Izuku smiled as he grabbed her hand.'' I would love to crush them, Or well keep them off you so you can crush him.'' Izuku brought her hand up to him and kissed it.'' Now let's not spoil the day.''

Nami nodded her head happily. Izuku threw his arm over her shoulder.'' We are still going past them, If they try anything, I will rip their skulls out and tie them up with their spine.'' Nami looked a little surprised.'' Wow, kind of graphic, and hot.'' Nami said with a coy smile slowly rubbing her hand on Izuku's inner thigh. He started driving back. The second Nami's soft grip turned into one with a bit more force, Izuku understood where they were and drove slowly. He near instantly saw who it was Nami was so scared off

A large man, Blue skin, almost fishy-like scales over his body. wearing shorts and an open Hawaii shirt. and his most prominent feature of all is his big saw nose. He was sitten, as wide as can be on a lawn chair in the middle of the sidewalk, holding a beer bottle that he was sipping. Izuku stared at him, Right thru the soul, And the group noticed, holding smirks and pointing offhandedly at Izuku's car. Nami felt a weight leave her, Being in front of the man that brought her so much worry and fear. It wasnt gone, But there was a large weight removed.

But it barely mattered. He and his entire gang were useless in this situation.'' So Izuku where we going.'' Nami said as the car sped up as they drove toward a nearby port. Where the yacht was located.'' Just the open ocean, I was hoping you and your quirk could suggest a location.'' Nami nodded her head, happy for once captain a ship, or well act like the navigator for her captain. The drive was short but nice. They played good soft music and overall stayed quiet as they held hands

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