Buffet of fist

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As Big Mom's hand made contact with the ground the wharf shook. Almost like an earthquake had just taken place.'' You are not allowed to attack like that anymore, My friends might get hurt.'' Izuku said calmly on the other side of Big Mom.'' MAMAMAMAMAMA, The brat that locked up two of my sons, Came all the way to me, just so he can die, MAMAMAMAMAMA, The only way this could be better would be with tasty snacks.'' Izuku jumped up before using the Mochi Mochi no Mi( Mochi-Mochi fruit) His fist grew twenty times his normal size and he punched Big Mom in the face.

'' SNACK ON THAT'' He yelled as he punched. Some of the nearby heroes and villains felt the wind pressure, them being nearly kicked back. Only for Big Mom to not move an inch.'' DONT HIT A LADY BRAT'' She swatted at Izuku who was still in the sky, his fist still on her cheek. Big Mom's entire arm turned black with Haki as she connected with Izuku. And unlike Big Mom, Izuku was rocketed into one of the many large empty warehouses. He penetrated the first one like it was nothing only to get stuck in the second one as both warehouses collapsed from the damage.


'' You escaped my ice, Impressive.'' Kurao said looking back at Oven who just stepped out of the chunk of ice.'' DONT THINK I AM YOUR AVERAGE THUG, I WILL BURN MY MARK ON YOUR FACE BEFORE YOU DIE.'' Oven dashed forward, Clearly about to throw a punch. Kurao mentally shook his head. They were so easy to spot.'' Glacier of Time.'' Kurao said slamming his hands down on the ground. A thin layer of ice shot out, staying just on the ground as it surrounded Oven. In anticipation, Oven used his Quirk to the max, Not just steaming anymore, Now he was fully melting the stone he was standing on.'' Encasing of ice.'' Kurao said moving his hands from the ground upward, causing the ice to rise.

Easily towering over Big Mom the ice stopped. Before I filled itself out'' HEATSPLOTION.'' Oven screamed as the heat was pushed from his body stopping the ice from coming closer and even melting it.'' Kurao grew a tick mark. His perfect record of Ice captures was gonna be thrown in the gutter, How could this idiot, bring forth so much heat.'' ITS DONE. ICE AGE, SUSPENDED ANIMATION.'' Kurao used a move he had used only once. It was used as a test. The ice shot out instantly before Oven could blink Ice was all around him, Even with his quirk activated, this meant nothing. The ice-encased him completely. Just like the test, Oven was completely frozen, every cell in his body frozen to zero Kelvin. He was in between death, and life.

And with that, The fight between Oven and Kurao came to an end, And Victor was Ex Prince of Antarctica, Kurao Jotunn


'' While I am used to dealing with multiple women at once, Attacking me in the back, is cowardly'' Jordan said getting up showing his entire body was fine, But now encased in an earthy kind of armor. One of the other women brought Smoothie her sword. with Jordan Sighing before loudly pointing and counting'' One, two, three, four, five, six extra women to fight. Seven on one.'' Oh, no how will you ever fight us pretty ladies.'' Jordan vanished before showing up to the side of Charlotte Manier. the woman that spoke.'' EQUALITY BITCH'' Jordan screamed before throwing a massive right hook on her cheek, knocking some teeth out and causing her to ragdoll away, only to be caught by Smoothie.

'' THIS IS FOR MY SISTER ASSHOLE'' Cinnamon screamed as she swiped her normal blade at Jordan. He dodged under it before grabbing the guard and crushing it with strength. Sadly for Cinnamon, Her fingers were caught aswell, Breaking her hand completely. She was then kneed in the face, knocking her out. '' Two down, 5 to go.'' Jordan vanished again, His skill in Shave showing. And while some had an okay idea, it was against the wrong man. Both Cornstarch and Mash stood back to back. 

Both believed if they stood back to back they could see him attack. But Jordan didnt care. He just showed up to the side of them. Grabbing their heads before banging them against each other. He did so with enough force to nearly crack both skulls.'' 3 to go.'' Jordan said running away again. While he loved to just stay and fight. he noticed with his sparing with Star and Izuku, That he was lacking in singling fights out. Which was what he was doing now. But all three bunched up. Smoothies order.

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