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'' Thank you all for showing up again. I am glad to announce our second target will be The King of Beast Kaido and his Beast Syndicate. Taking into account their strengths, numbers, and rankings, aswell as some of the abilities and performances you all had done during the Big Mom Raid, There have been some slight variations to today's attack plan. As normal, I will ask Mister Midoriya to face Kaido. All Might and Endeavor will be back up for everyone, Please keep at least some in the tank in case Mister Midoriya requires assistance.''

Nezu spoke from his pedestal. He looked down at the same force as before glad to see everyone happy and healthy. The three named men nodded in acknowledgment of today's plan and agreed. While the two older heroes were not absolute fans of being backup and would prefer to attack the head themselves. They were all too aware of the absolute power Izuku wielded.'' Now then for the changes.'' Nezu said looking over the larger group. A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he looked at the royal members. They had stood to the side and were seemingly arguing with each other. Not who was the strongest, But who was better at making bbq ribs.

''While I have full faith that the royal members could hold their own and defeat their opponents, I have added some to their groups, So, For King, Mister Armstrong will be facing him, With you will be Bakugo and Yaoyorozu. Please take care in your fight. For Queen, I have chosen, Mister Jotunn. Along with Mister Todoroki and Miss Uraraka. Good luck against him. Now the final one, Jack the drought. Mister Dundee shall face him Along with Sato, and Kaminari, Do be aware of the fight.''

''With the three groups against all-stars made all that was left were the Tobiropo, Shinuchi, Gifters, Pleasures, Waiters, Numbers, Samurai, and Ninja. While that is a large force with many in them, I believe the rest of our force is enough to take them down.'' The large group yelled out in excitement, glad to get back to hero-work.'' Now I do have some matchups for the Tobiropo that would be advantageous if it would so happen to stumble across them. Now as we know, Endeavor and his agency have defeated Who'swho. So with that in mind, There is a total of 5 enemies left.''

Nezu looked at his paper.'' Page one and Ulti, These two are brother and sisters and would most likely be seen together. Keep that in mind when taking them down. They are large and strong, So perhaps Ryukyu and Mirko will be best suited to take them out. Next up Black Maria, Seeing her stature, I do believe Mt, Lady is best suited for that fight. Altho her abilities to create webs, Perhaps Kamakiri or perhaps Suneater would be a good backup.'' He took a sip of his tea as he looked at the last two of the group.

'' The last two are Sasaki and X-Drake. Sadly we are not fully aware of Mister Drake's abilities as he has only recently joined their ranks. So take caution while facing him. Now for Mister Sasaki, He should not be a real threat to any of you if you work together in teams and act smart. Now we don't have our eyes on them at the moment, so there could be added men power that we have not been aware of. Perhaps some of the allied groups have located themselves nearby. We don't know so please be aware.'' Nezu said picking up the papers to straighten them and place them back down.

'' WELL THEN, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLEEEEEEEEE!!'' Jordan loudly screamed as his excitement nearly boiled over. Finally, it was his time to fight someone strong. Well sure Smoothie was not weak, she was just ranked second in the crew, Under That Katakuri fellow. But now, Jordan was finally allowed some fun, He had done some research into King and knew that King ran alone. Slightly annoyed that Jordan was pulling up with 2 extra and this wouldn't be a clean 1 on 1, But he can't win them all.

Mike waved as he walked over toward his two teammates, The two boys looked slightly shy and worried, But they would be fighting with an ex-king so it was understandable.'' Let's have a great old time mates, After we are done, we can even go croc hunting.'' Mike said happily as he smacked Sato on the back. The two boys swallowed whatever they had at the idea but nodded their heads.  

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