The raid against Beast

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As the Heroes walked out the portal, Nezu spoke up again'' Remember your teams and work in tandem, But be safe.'' Nezu told them as Izuku walked up to him. While Izuku was going to fight Kaido. His first order of business would be to teleport Nezu toward a safe and secure spot where he could see the entire battlefield. It took him a minute, But he spotted a large clocktower that was close enough to work. and in a flash, they were gone.'' YOU TWO FOLLOW ME, WE ARE GONNA GREET THEM FIRST'' Jordan yelled as he took off

Bakugo followed shortly after with explosion after Explosion. And Momo tried her best to keep up. But both boys had incredible speed on their side and Momo merely had a bicycle she created quickly. Thankfully due to the explosions and the noise Jordan made, Momo was easily able to follow them. This was completely different compared to the other princes. They were truly working together. They welcomed the teamwork, Even if they didnt think they needed it'' So do you have a plan, Mi'' Call me Kurao. Ku Rao, whatever you prefer. But no plan.'' Kurao wasn't a fan of being called Mister.

even less so being called that by a future queen. He would not stand for it. Cause that is just weird. He was ranked lowered then her. She was a future queen. He was merely the ex-prince of Antarctica. He was now nothing more than a mayor of sorts. Not that he minded. He still saw his buddies. He was still loved by his people, And he had way more time freed to spend with his pets.'' Uhm, I read Queen was a very smart man. So we might need to find some lab or something to find it.'' Ochaco suggested.

Kurao nodded.'' That is indeed a good possibility. But We could always use an ancient technique. Want me to show you?'' Both students looked at each other, Before both looked a Kurao and nodded. He slowly nodded his own head before walking off a slight bit. He took a deep breath before.'' QUEEN YOU FAT DUMB BITCH, WHERE THE LIVING FUCK ARE YOU!!!!!!'' Kurao screamed at the top of his lungs.'' WHAT IS THAT?!'' Ochaco screamed at the weird action.'' What, Why come to him, when we could insult his ego and he comes to us?

Shoto chimed in.'' Or he just sends in an army of his own men, who fights for him while we are stuck in an endless battle against them, He comes out of the blue and attacks us while we are busy.'' kurao did give them it was possible. For anyone else, He just insulted Queen's intelligence and his weight. His Ego would never allow such insults to go unpunished. And if he didnt do it himself. His ego would be hurt even more. But as they were waiting for Queen to come to them. Mike along with Sato and Kaminari were actively searching for Jack.

And it didnt take long before they found him. Each of the all-stars had a job. King, was Kaido's second in command and mostly followed him around like a puppy. Waiting for a command to kill, maim, or hurt anyone he was asked to hurt. Queen was constantly working on new things. Biowarfare. Human augmentations. Weapons of mass destruction, Anything Kaido believed he could use. And then you had Jack. Who was there to look at all the members? He mostly spent his time nearby the large forces who of course worshipped him like a god.

Which just meant That Mike found him nice and quick.'' OY CUNT, Your Jack aren't you.'' Mike said loudly. Jack's face turned annoyed as he looked at the force in front of him. He didnt get up or move. He didnt care. '' Kill them.'' He spoke and just like that. The many members of the Beast Syndicate went up in action. And while Mike and such could easily defeat them. They had an extra backup for the nameless members. Kamakiri and Kendo were the two that were able to keep up best with Mike and right off they went to fight.

Kendo having learned Fishmen Karate instantly used it. Using the water particles in the air and inside of a human's body to rocket them backward and out of the battle Just as Kamakiri did. Used an Airslash. His large blades nearly sliced the air in half before a dark green curve shot forward and tackled a number of enemies. Both were far stronger than these members. Not even causing slight worry in the two outnumbered students. But that just left Jack for Mike and his two helpers'' Denks, How about you shock his ass and Sato go punch him.'' Mike suggested.

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