Camp part 3

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'' Good day of training students, But you're not done yet, You still have to get some Cooking to do, Now we have all the items you need, But you will need to make it all yourself, Because a hero while taking care of others, Needs to be able to take care of themselves. So push on, As after dinner we will have some games for you to do.'' Mandalay said happily, with a smile on her face as she looked over all the students.

Everyone nodded as they moved, Each one tired looking forward toward the food and hot springs. '' Okay everyone, We should make teams share the load, Who can do what,'' Momo spoke up it showing that many didnt really know how to cool. Most gave the answer that their mom usually did it. Izuku of course knew how, So did Ochaco, Bakugo knew it. And slowly but surely everyone had their groups.

Shoto was working together with Momo and some of the others to light the fire. First, they went to walk in the side to grab some lost sticks for to pots to heat up, Before Shoto just engulfed them in flames, While Momo crafted a simple lighter. While they were doing that, Bakugo was chopping vegetables with incredible speed, Something that amazed Ochaco, as she didnt expect Bakugo to be able to really cook.

Izuku was giving a quick lesson to most on how to peel potatoes.'' Uhm Midoriya, Not to offend you, But how do You know how to peel potato's'' Setsuna asked with Izuku giving a chuckle.'' Well, My mother always believed a real gentleman should be able to cook, And he believed to cook the hardest dish, you need to master the basics. Which meant, I had to clean and cut vegetables for a couple of days.'' Oh, that isn't that bad, Just some vegetables for dinner or something.'' No, For an entire day in a restaurant.''

This sort of shook the group.'' What that is insane.'' Yeah, maybe but at least it helps us now right.'' Yeah, that is the spirit, Now let's cut some potatoes.'' Ida said as he held the peeler upside down. But that was quickly fixed by Izuku. The last group was the one dealing with rice, which was led by Robin, But seeing it was washing rice, it was not even a slight problem.

'' Who is doing the meat.'' They had forgotten about the meat completely.'' I can, Just barbeque them right be done with it.'' Izuku said to Mandalay who shook.'' We don't have one,'' Oh I can just make one.'' Izuku said as he used the Doru Doru no Mi( Wax Wax fruit) to create a wax barbecue larger than most.

'' Uhm what is that.'' Oh, it's wax, But like stronger than wax, Like steel type strength,'' Izuku said as he grabbed some wood and brought it to the bbq, where he placed it and used the Mera Mera no Mi( Flame Flame fruit) to light it up. Before cooking the meat while looking over to the others. But then food was cooked. and plated.

'' Oh man this is horrible, But I just don't care cause I am hungry,'' Kirishima spoke with his mouth full as he was just shoveling food down his throat. He wasn't alone, Many others were doing the same, Izuku aswell, He instead was shoveling pans down instead of just plates, Nemuri had counted for that. So Izuku could eat without feeling bad about the others going hungry.

But after eating they all sat around, Their belly filled.'' Who is going to do the cleaning.'' I will,'' Izuku said with Mina and Yui jumping in to help him. It of course was simply washing dishes but Yui and Mina had a plan. Izuku wanted to wash everything But Yui and Mina told him to go and dry them. Then at the fourth pan, Yui and Mina had a small accident, Some water shot out and hit them on the shirt, allowing Izuku a really nice view of Yui's and Mina's bra

'' Oops, Izuku it seems that we have gotten a tad bit wet.'' Yes, that does seem to be the case.'' Why don't you dry us off with that towel you have.'' Mina said with the biggest grin on her face as she stuck her breast out and began to shake a little.'' Excuse me, I don't want to interrupt you all, But Aizawa has some stuff to talk about.'' Mandalay said with the biggest blushes on her face Before Izuku gave a nod which let Mandalay sprint out of the area.

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