The Drunk and the runner

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'' Vasco shot correct?'' Endeavor spoke as he jumped over toward the man who looked to be correct. He had just stepped out of a bar. Holding a large gourd that seemed to be the same size as a child. He continued to sip on the bottle as he looked at Endeavor.''*hic* who are you*hic*. He stood in a purple and yellow overall with a darker red jacket with purple-like fur at the ends.'' I am the pro hero Endeavor. I am here at the request of The Royal hero Akuma. Be grateful you get to face me.''

Vasco Shot just stood staring at Endeavor before turning around.'' I need more booze.'' He said before walking off.'' Good, you don't want to surrender, which means I can rough you up a little.'' Endeavor said before a ball of flames formed on his hands. One he threw like a dodgeball. Right on Vasco's back, He dropped his gourd and it broke.'' YOU MADE ME SPILL MY BOOZE YOU FUCKER.'' Vasco grabbed something from his pocket. Before spitting something. A stream of pure alcohol shot forward before he created a spark. The large stream of flames got close to Endeavor.

'' FLAME WALL.'' Endeavor looked relaxed as he checked his side. Blue flames shot up in front of Endeavor as they protected Endeavor.'' Dabi, Damn. I hoped I would have finished this before you could have arrived.'' Toya smirked as he cracked his knuckles.'' And why is that Pops.'' Toya spoke walking close to the area. Just as then Burnin and Rei were able to show up.'' I do not feel good having my child and daughter-in-law fighting such a monster.'' Dabi just laughed as Vasco started crying about his booze. '' Old man, Just know I am stronger than you.'' Endeavor created a flame spear.'' Maybe in 1000 years''

Endeavor threw his spear at Vasco. Just exploded right before the point connected with Vasco. The large spear turned into a large flame ball. Vasco was thrown back.'' FUCKER CAN'T YOU SEE I AM MOURNING THE LOSS OF MY BOOZE.'' Vasco screamed before once again spitting out alcohol. A stream of flames as he ignited it.'' Pathetic.'' Endeavor said as he extended his palm and with just as many flames he started overpowering Vasco.'' Your flames are weak.'' And your guard is weaker.'' Rei spoke having sneaked up behind Vasco Before she slammed her hands down.

Ice covered the entire ground around him Before it covered Vasco. A mountain of Ice. His head and hands were freed, yet he was unable to move.'' HOW CAN I DRINK LIKE THIS.'' Vasco screamed annoyed that he couldn't drink. He started spitting alcohol around, covering the area completely. This was annoying. Rei pressed her hand on the ice and it covered his mouth.'' Please Behave. I do not wish to use more force to restrain you.'' Rei spoke. While he was a murderer and deserved to be arrested, Rei wanted to be civil about it.

'' Man. I totally stink of booze. What an asshole.'' Moe said having her hair normal as she was covered in high-proof alcohol. A spark and she would be engulfed in flames.'' NOW IS OUR CHANCE BOYS.'' A random villain screamed as he jumped on Moe. Out of nowhere, he pressed a knife against her neck.'' WE ARE GETTING OUT OF THIS ISLAND. OR THIS BITCH GETS GUTTED.'' None of the heroes looked worried. Let alone Burnin. While most heroes had trained in hand-to-hand combat. Burnin had far more training in hand-to-hand.

Burnin grabbed the man's wrist. Her hand wrapped around his wrist and she pulled him away. Normally this was a no-go, But the man barely held onto the blade. She kicked her leg back. Kicking the man in the leg. Before Rotating her hips and shoulders and shoulder she threw the man over herself and onto the floor. She stepped on his wrist before sighing.'' Surrender or get the same treatment.'' The group of thugs swallowed deeply.'' RUN.'' One screamed wanting to get away but Rei had prepared. She had made a thin circle around the area as they were talking and now. It made a wall around them.

'' I believe it's best we knock them out. these types of scum never listen.'' Endeavor said cracking his knuckles. Toya did the same'' Oh yeah, Who knows maybe they are dangerous so better be safe and use our quirks to fight aswell.'' He finished with engulfing his fist in blue flames for a bit. The group dropped to the floor hands in front with their face in the dirt.'' PLEASE WE APOLOGIZE, TAKE US IN WITHOUT ANY FIGHT PLEASE.'' They begged with Endeavor shaking his head already grabbing the slimm quirk-canceling cuffs. '' This was terribly easy. I had expected more from such a villain, But my wife is just too powerful.'' Endeavor spoke as Rei blushed

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