Camp, The fight begins

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''Let's kill them now. I am getting tired of waiting.'' Yes, But let's be smart, They are still heroes. You go in the road toward him, Attack him on our queue understood fucker.'' Pyro ordered toward Muscular who just scuffed.'' I don't give a fuck, I just want to kill him.'' Then Toga, You go and get Eraserhead, Don't try and kill him yet'' Toga pouted but nodded as she pulled out a sharp knife.'' Mustard, you're on the rest of the kids, Kill them or not, They don't matter, The rest with me.

The group nodded as they went out, None of the heroes knowing what was going to happen. Muscular moved the fastest, To eager to fight Izuku, But just before he was able to reach the road, AFO shot him a warning.'' Don't just yet Muscular, won't the pain and fear be far more enjoyable when you kill his loved ones in front of him.'' This made the muscular man smile darkly before stopping and waiting.

'' Why master, He should be strong enough right.'' AFO  didnt respond back, And just waited for the show to begin which started quickly.'' It seems that the princess and that slut Midnight arent with the others.'' Spinner said with the others nodding, Pyro spoke into his earpiece,'' Toga after getting Eraser, go get the princess and Midnight aswell.'' Toga didnt respond as she stalked thru the woods and saw Aizawa walking with a stack of papers under his arm. She lifted her own knife and shot out the trees right for Aizawa.

'' Now let's get this done,'' Pyro said as his arms turned aflame, Jumping out with a lot of speed, First attack was on Tiger, The flaming fist hitting the hero in the neck, giving him a burn and slamming him into the ground as the other villains appeared out of the woods aswell. They attacked the strong ones first.

Twice had used his quirk to create a second Pyro that Rushed for Vlad King, A flaming Punch aimed right at Vlad's throat, Who was just able to put his forearm in front of the punch, It still hurt like hell, Twice himself jumped for a group of the students, His weapon being a measuring tape made from blades. whipping it right for them, Kirishima blocking the attack with his forearm. It just scratches his hard skin.

'' WHAT THE HELL ARE VILLIANS DOING HERE,'' Sato screamed out as everyone began to move to fight.'' NOW.'' Pyro screamed with that instant a thick pink mist taking over the area, Everyone assumed it was Midnight coming to the rescue, But instead, they started feeling sick and faint, not sleepy.'' w-What is going on.'' Momo said as she made a gasmask, But was quickly kicked to the ground because compress slammed a cane in her back.

'' Refrain from Quirk use young Lady.'' He said as he struck down again on Momo's back, making her scream in pain, which caused more gas to enter her mouth and caused her to feel the effects of Mustard's gas even more.'' Yaomomo.'' Sato screamed seeing one of his classmates beaten down, But as he ran forward, he nearly fell again due to the effect of Mustard's quirk, Which gave Pyro the opening to kick him in the head, Dropping him to the floor and going for the next one.

The villains due to surprise and speed were taking the upper hand within the fight, The main force was fighting against a small group of heroes and students. and they were winning. But they knew that they couldn't keep this up with everyone, So they had to move quickly, They had to win this fight before others could join in.

The students there were having so many problems now, Only a few were real fighters, but even then, The gas was a real problem. Kirishima, Kamikiri, and Ojiro tried moving toward Mustard to knock him out and help everyone else, But Each time they tried, They were stopped. Magna hits them with a large magnet, or Spinner who attacks with Multiple blades put together.

It was incredible teamwork for the villains. But right as Kamikiri grew two large blades to block an attack from Spinner, Bakugo flew in and hit an explosion right across his face, Making Spinner drop his weapon and Manga scream out for him, Right then Like a rocket Tetsutetsu flew out and slammed his fist into Magna's face, Making her drop the large magnet weapon and fly backward.'' WHAT IS GOING AAHAHHHHHH.'' Mustard screamed, 

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