Izuku VS heroes 2

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Izuku was still stuck in laughter, His thoughts and movements slowed to a much higher degree. So he went and ignored Ryukyu and Endeavor and just focused on Miss Joke who had to stay near Izuku for her quirk to really take effect. Which meant she herself was in range for Izuku. Izuku ran right for her and started with a simple punch one Miss Joke was more than capable of blocking. She took the chance to also throw and low kick right on the side of Izuku's knee who bent his knee with the kick which overextended Miss Joke who then received a spinning hammer hand in the midriff.  She attacked back instantly tho by throwing a combo right to Izuku from a jab, hook, and uppercut with the last move missing due to Izuku taking a step back.

Izuku moved slightly sideways just missing the first of Miss joke where he still laughing was able to swing his hand over her shoulder and under one arm, With the rest of his body going behind her and holding her again in a chokehold where he took his time checking out who he still had to fight and defeat as he slowly choked the air out of her lungs all while still laughing like a manic.

There was All Might who was still standing alone waiting which Izuku liked as All Might was going to be an interesting one. Then Izuku could see Snipe still on top of a building as support which would be Izuku's next victims. That also included Powerloader who was still missing, for now, Hawks who was still high in the air, Then he still had to find a way to defeat Best Jeanist, Edgeshot, and Kamui Woods. and Last of the support was Thirteen who much like Powerloader was still hidden in Izuku's eyes

Then the fighters, Cementos who thankfully didnt have that much range now due to the number of other heroes in play, Then Vlad King who Izuku was still avoiding, Ectoplasm who was able to add to the already scary number of heroes for Izuku, Gran Torino who was hidden most likely going for sneak attacks. Endeavor had brought more than enough fight to Izuku. Ryukyu's who had size and strength on her side, and the final two, Gang Orca and Hound Dog. Izuku started coming up with a plan in his mind. an plan to defeat all the heroes.

But first Support had to go. So after Miss joke lost conciseness Izuku moved to fight the others with the first on the hitlist Hawks. Izuku transformed using the Tori Tori no Mi: Model Falcon ( Bird Bird fruit: Model Falcon.) He used his Hybrit form gaining more strengths, green feathers growing all over his body. He also gained two large wings on his back. He used First he jumped up high before his wings flapped shooting up toward Hawks he started flying away. Izuku, however, was just as fast being able to keep up but they were equal thus it became a game of cat and mouse. Izuku swooped up high going higher and higher than before with Hawks slowing down.

Izuku stopped flapping his wings, He aimed them back and shot down at high speeds flapping his wings going even faster and faster, before lifting himself up slightly now going at blinding speeds tackling Hawks right into a building, Bringing the building down on top of them. The force of Izuku and the building taking  Hawks out of the fight. But inside the rubble, Izuku was planning ahead. With a quick look with Haki Izuku found his next target which would Edgeshot. Hiding within an alleyway that Izuku had perfect sight on, But now was the question of what to use to fight with him. He transformed fully human to then used the Doa Doa no mi( Door Door Fruit) to open a door in the middle of the rubble going toward the sewer where he meets PowerLoader who was rather surprised with his sight, But Izuku took the change to fight him. Using the Jiki Jiko no Mi(Magnet Magnet Fruit) to magnetize PowerLoaders entire robotic suit before it started ripping chunks off his suit and floating around his fist creating two large robot hands with PowerLoader knowing he was beaten so he just cuffed himself. Much like Nezu, he wasn't a fighter. But he did give Izuku one hell of a weapon, as he now had two large metal hands that would hopefully be of use against one of the other heroes.

Izuku moved toward a good spot where he used his two metal arms to jump and punch the floor wide open Landing right into an alleyway right behind Kamui woods, with Izuku just smacking his last remaining metal arm into Kamui woods and the wall. The power broke thru the wall and nearly knocked Kamui out, Only for Kamui to still move. Izuku quickly brought the small remaining part of scarp over toward his main arm to jump above Kamui and to punch him.'' Punk Gibson.'' The force was enough for Izuku to punch Kamui into the basement of the building Only to receive a multitude of rubber round right into his back.'' That hurt.'' Izuku turned knowing it was Snipe. Izuku grabbed the bullets in one hand holding it behind his thumb that was stuck behind his finger. A rubber bullet resting on his thumb. He jumped out and used the Pika Pika no Mi( Glint Gling Fruit) he fired the rubber off with lightspeed right toward the building Snipe was hiding on, It completely destroyed the building.

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