The start of something horrible

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Eri smiled as Fuyumi finished explaining the latest grammar lesson. She still didn't fully understand it But she did try her best and according to her Papa that was really all that mattered. But she had all the time in the world, UA was having a calm day, and nearly all the second and third-year students were out for work studies, Same for all the 1a and 1B students that earned their own work-study. and most of the students were in class, So the only ones at the dorm were Eri and Fuyumi.

Sitting peacefully at the dinner table with books and papers. So it was a clear shock to them, as they heard a loud explosion, Louder than any had expected from even Bakugo. Fuyumi in worry ran to the nearby windows to look. Much like the others that heard the explosion. Teachers and students alike looked at the Gate of UA, It seemed to be closed off, Or at least it tried. But the entire gate was blown to bits. Chunks of wall, metal, and concrete were blown into UA, as a large force walked forward. There were 10 members that stood out. two that stood out even more.

One smaller than your average adult. Fully covered in a black body suit, and a white bird mask. Next to a man in all-white robes with a more steampunk mask. But none of them, None of them looked alike that thing. A beast with pure black skin, Its muscles ripping it apart as if its body couldn't contain the contents. But its face was one many could remember. It was Overhaul, Overhaul turned into a Nomu. And they were at UA When UA was at its weakest. Low amount of Pro heroes. Low amount of Combat capable students.

'' dammit,'' Aizawa growled as he saw the force moving toward them.'' STAY HERE.'' Aizawa jumped out the window, ready to meet the force halfway and going to kick ass. Present Mic, and Vlad King, all jumped out with him. It would be three vs many, But they were pros and would not stand down easily.'' MIC WORK ON CROWD CONTROL, VLAD WE ARE PICKING OFF THE STRAYS.'' Mic already smiled as he took a breath in.'' YOU GOT IT, BUDDY.'' He screamed at his maximum volume. the sound waves visible as they traveled forward.

But the Nomu Overhaul, jumped forward, Slamming its hands down showing his original quirk was still in effect. A massive wall of deadly spikes was brought forward. It shot right for Present Mic who just screamed again to break the spikes. Leaving a crater in front of where the materials came from. Vlad activated his quirk aswell, Injectors entering his wrist and pumping some blood out. Which he quickly used as a shield and a mace. While Aizawa had already started using his quirk to stop others to the best of his abilities. But there were too many to safely fight.

But they weren't stopping.'' We need to head toward the dorm, Protect Eri, Get our phones, and text Izuku.'' Momo said with the class giving a nod.'' Agreed, Protecting the Princess is our first Priority, By that. I believe it's best if we move with 1b, and have the Those that date Izuku, stay back.'' Ida said going by what he believed to be the best course of action. It however didnt go over that well.'' WHAT THE FUCK IDA, I am just as capable of being a hero as you, I don't need protecting.'' Mina screamed angrily.'' This however was calmed down by Kaminari.

'' Mina, It's not that you not capable, But you are like on a level of a queen, You and the others are on a level above us in importance. that's the simple situation, and with that, it's kinda our job to make sure you are not in danger.'' Plus we are the last line of defense for Eri then.''  Toru added It was annoying because as it was said, the really strong students were gone. They sprinted to 1B who was hyping themselves up to fight the bad guys'' what are you doing here?'' Setsuna asked.

'' our Dorm, Protect Eri.'' It was all that needed to be asked and the now 26 students worked together. They ran thru the school right for the dorm, and they believed they made it without a problem. But then they noticed a small group of three that looked like the leaders and around 10 lesser ones.'' OH, BOSS, CAN WE PLAY, PLEASE CAN WE PLAY WITH OUR FOOD.'' A man with shark teeth asked. He chomped down twice, allowing a large tap to be heard. It was loud as hell and scared the students a bit.'' fine, just follow us, We don't know what they have installed for us, We just have to take Eri back.

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