Take down

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'' Well Done Nami, Great teamwork. Now let's arrest him.'' Izuku said, seeing the job nearly as done and now they just had to take down some of the weaker and lower-ranked gang members, Which of course would not be a problem for the hero team. But Izuku had underestimated Arlongs Durability as like a wild animal, He sprang out of his house while holding something. In his right arm, Arlong was holding a sword, The blade itself was already around two meters long, and it had the shape of a Katana, But the look of a massive saw,

the back of the blade was solid, but the edge was point after point after point. '' DIE BY THE HAND OF MY SHARK NOSE BLADE,'' Arlong screamed as he swung his blade down on Nami. Izuku could have moved, But he knew Nami was prepared. She brought her Clima-Tact to that side, Before then infusing it with Haki. The blade was stopped and Nami smirked, She was straining under the heavy weight that Arlong was able to put out, But she was able to fight him, Plus she had backup.'' ONCE FLUER, SLAM'' Robin called out as she jumped down.

Eleven arms sprouted over arlong who gritted his teeth. But before he could attack each arm slammed their fist down against Arlong who could only take the damage. It didnt matter, He was in a stalemate against Nami with his blade, and he was constantly taking a barrage of punches from Robin, And Izuku had yet to move. And he wasn't going to unless it was absolutely necessary. But he knew that would not be the case right now as Nami made her move.

She shifted her weight to the side, tilting the weapon away from her and letting it slam into the floor. Turning her weight around with the staff following. With a turn of her hips, she slammed the staff right into the back of Arlongs head. Who was already off balance thanks to Robin and Nami. '' Gigantesco Mano. STOMP.'' Two massive legs formed by Robin, Before they slammed down right onto Arlong, And they did not stop for a while. But in the end, Arlong had been slammed into the ground knocked out, and defeated.'' Well, done Girls. I am proud to say, you guys are awesome.'' Izuku said with a smile as he captured Arlong.

'' Oh, Tax will be very high today.'' A voice said from behind. Izuku turned around to look who it was and he instantly gained a frown, Nami and Robin both looked aswell, Altho both were winded they were shocked and ready. A new threat had shown up, One they had seen on the briefs, One of the Charlotte members, and The third officer, Cracker. And he had an army of large soldiers behind him. All thanks to his quirk, Biscuit soldier. One of his soldiers was holding a beaten bloodied Death arms.'' wanna trade.'' Cracker said as one of the soldiers squeezed Death Arms who groaned showing he was still alive.

'' I wanted to kill him, This asshole broke 4 of my soldiers before they got him.'' How about a trade then? You give me death arms, And I give you a beating of a lifetime.'' Izuku said stepping forward. Cracker just clapped his hands, and just like that three rows of large soldiers, each with a spear and a shield, shoulder to shoulder, blocked the entire street off.'' come and get me, I am part of the Big Mom Syndicate'' Izuku shook his head. How could a high-ranking member be such a fool? 

Izuku's first goal was to get Death Arms, When he was saved, Izuku could show this fool how outclassed he really was. So he looked back at Nami and Robin, Both were willing to help.'' Girls, Focus on getting Death arms, Get him and create some distance, I will attract the main focus.'' Izuku told them, But now came the tricky part, He had to fight them, in a way that looked even and fair, If Izuku just overpowered the hell out of him, He would flee and possibly kill Death's arms.

Izuku used the Bane Bane no Mi(Spring-Spring fruit) On just his arms. This would keep his movement abilities normal, But would still give him enough explosive damage to keep in the fight, and make it seem he was trying.'' HERE I COME.'' Izuku screamed running toward the first way. As Izuku got closer and in range, The spears were lowered and stabbed toward Izuku. The hope was to instantly kill him, But Izuku was able to jump over the blade and land nicely on the stick. With one more step, he was in range and he let loose. 

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