Getting ready for the PLE

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Fuyumi stood in front with a smile as everyone reacted,'' Hey Miss Todoroki, It seems you will be taking care of my daughter.'' Fuyumi slightly flinched at that but quickly caught herself.'' Yes, I will be her teacher, I do hope I will do well.'' I am sure you will,'' Fuyumi smiled as she looked at both Izuku and Aizawa.'' If it's alright with the both of you, Could I talk with The princess privately for a small bit, So we are both more relaxed and trusting around each other?'' Izuku nodded more than okay with it, same for Aizawa.

'' There should be a room free a couple of meters away, to the left, That should give you two all the privacy.'' Eri please go with miss Todoroki, She will be your teacher from now on, So just like how I listen to mine, you listen to yours.'' Eri nodded.'' I will papa.'' She walked thru the class, with nearly everyone giving her a small head pat as she walked past, It really made her smile as Eri loved head pats, Going right for Fuyumi and grabbing her hand. Both walked toward the other room.

In the room Fuyumi got on her knees, Being more at Eri's height.'' Now, I am Fuyumi, You can just call me Fuyumi if you want, What should I call you.'' Uhm what?'' Eri asked not fully sure what she meant.'' Do you want me to call you, Is it Princess, Midoriya, Eri, Something else.'' Oh haha, Eri, I want my friends to call me Eri.'' Fuyumi nodded happily seeing she now is a friend of Eri.'' So now then, I am under the understanding that the teachers at UA already give you the stuff to learn right.'' Eri nodded happily with a big smile.

'' Yeah, they all give me work that I do just like my papa and Mama's.'' That is good, But from now on, That will be my job, I will give you your own work, and help you if you need to finish it. To start, however, I  would like to just watch you for a little bit okay. Just look at what you do and how you do those things.'' Eri nodded again with Fuyumi smiling.'' Now that, What do you like to do, I would like to know what you like to do in your spare time.''

Eri started thinking, Looking down.'' Well, I like alot of things, I really like playing with my friends, I like to play on my computer, I play Minecraft with my two friends Rem and Ram, Uhm, I also really like playing with my toys and with a teddybear that is alive. I also love to play with my papa and mamas uhm I think that's it'' Okay that is good to know, Well I really like cooking, reading and writing, Now my favorite food is Ice cream, Hehe.'' Eri smiled big.'' I also like ice cream, But my favorite food is Apples.''

Fuyumi knew that She has talked with Izuku before and He did speak about Eri, But during the text, they shared it wasn't much about Eri, It was just more about getting to know each other than anything else, '' Oh they are very tasty, Now then, Do you have anything you want to know about me, '' Eri nodded.'' Your little brother is in my papa's class right.'' Yes, Yes he is, Shoto is my little brother. Why is he a meanie.'' Eri shook her head.'' No, he is really nice,''

She smiled'' He always makes my drinks cold, Just how I like it.'' Fuyumi giggled.'' Good, If he didnt,  I could beat his butt'' Eri laughed, I can do the same to papa, I always win against papa.'' I don't doubt that Eri, Now how about we get back Because I think you still have some school work from the other teachers correct.'' Eri nodded.'' So as you will do those, I will look how you do and help if you need.'' Eri nodded, She normally got help from the teachers, But for that, she sometimes had to wait as they were busy with others, Or they weren't able to explain it that well.

But as they walked into class Eri still wearing a massive smile as she walked to her own seat, Happy to get more work done, and impress her new teacher. She wrote down everything to the best of her abilities, With after Aizawa's class they would have hero lessons, Which was training for the Provisional licensing exam, Which allowed them to act like heroes IF the need arises, But for that, they should train more, As the exam would be against mostly second and third years. So it would be a challenge for sure.

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