Exam pt 6

830 36 41

-- a little before the match starts.''

The four students that were going to fight against All Might just walked out of the watching area. Each of them was rather nervous at the taught of having to fight the number one hero. A man at the top of Japanese heroism and maybe even the world. All while they were first-year students. Kaminari was one of the most worried students, he wasn't one of the strongest fighters, And there he was having to fight All Might with Bakugo.

'' So what is our strat going to be.'' Kaminari asked Shishida and Manga believing Bakugo would do his own thing like normal but to his surprise, he spoke up.'' We are going to have to fight together, You extra's what is your quirks.'' Bakugo asked having no idea who they were, Both looked a little offended but ignored it.

'' My name is Manga Fukidashi, My quirk is called Comic, Whatever I say will show up in giant kanji, So I could say rush, and the Kanji for rush would come forth and rush forward, Or something like Glue and the kanji for Glue would show up and would be sticky.'' Manga explained with Bakugo listening closely before then facing Shishida.

'' I'm Jurota Shishida My quirk is called Beast, which has mutated my body in this form, But I am also able to transform into a more beastlike state, It increases my strength, speed, and durability.'' To what level.'' Bakugo asked with Shishida responding again.'' Not strong enough to deal with All Might if that is what you are asking.'' Bakugo released a breath before shaking his head.

'' So Bakugo, what do you think our best course of action is?'' Kaminari asked with Bakugo taking a breath.'' Running, So far I have come up with this.'' Bakugo said right before the gate as he began explaining his plan.'' The mutt and I will put everything we have to stun All Might for a second or two, Then comic will get him stuck with anything he can, Then dunceface you will shock his ass, hopefully stunning him, When mutt and I sprint straight for the gate.'' The three looked at him.'' You think that will really stop him?.'' Fuck no it's All Might, Just improvise to kick his ass.'' Bakugo said before walking thru the gate cracking his knuckles while the other three just swallowed deeply before following him

They looked around the small created City not seeing All Might at all.'' What no.'' Fuck it, just  run for the gate, Hell to fighting him.'' Kaminari said as he and the group began sprinting for the gate only to  hear it.'' HAHAHA, RUNNING IS FUTILE.'' All Might loudly laughed in front of them, Only for him to punch forward, His muscles bulging and shining as he threw a punch forward. The wind pressure flew forward, completely destroying the street and the fronts of houses and stores. All while also kicking the four students back two dozen meters. Bakugo stopped himself from rolling half a dozen meters in front of the rest.

He got up slowly, He was on one knee, one arm still on the ground, He looked up,  '' get up quickly.''Bakugo said to the rest only to feel a shiver on his neck as a gust of wind and a shock landed next to him.'' HAVE FEAR STUDENTS, I AM HERE.'' All Might spoke darkly turning his normally cheerful motto into one that nearly made the students shit themselves. Bakugo raised his wrist up under his chest, He wanted to blast all Might with a strong attack But all might just kick him in the ribs with a little force. Lifting Bakugo fully of the floor and away into an alleyway.

The other three students were stuck in fear at their teacher.'' NOT RUNNING AWAY STUDENTS, HOW TRULY FOOLISH.'' All Might said with Manga acting.'' Rush, rush, boom.'' The words rush came forward twice hitting all might like a train moving him back 5 feet with each hit before a large explosion happened right in front of all might. Who just tanked the hit.'' RAGH.'' Shishida roared as he turned more beast-like and jumped All Might and started clawing at him with All Might just blocking each strike or dodging it.

'' WE ARENT DONE YOU BASARDT.'' Bakugo screamed as he used explosions to fire himself forward right to All Might, He began turning himself aswell spinning at high speeds while collecting sweat into a puddle within his hand, Only to reach all might and throw the puddle into his face.'' HOWITZER IMPACT.'' A massive explosion happened, The shock itself blew Shishida away aswell as Manga, and it knocked Kaminari down

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