Working out more

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'' Shanks, I am going to work on myself for a bit, Please just message me when it's dinner time,'' Izuku spoke to his teacher, as he was going to train privately. He was going to move into his different devil fruits in order to perfect them a bit more, of course, like the Pika Pika no Mi( Light Light fruit) he had already nearly mastered, He had used it alot in training because of its usefulness, But then others like the Rubber Rubber he didnt really use alot so that they could have gotten more use out of those.

He walked over toward a completely different training Gym. He closed the gate behind himself and smiled as he looked into the empty gym room. He let out a sigh before using the Poke Poke no mi( Pocket Pocket fruit) and pulling out a rather old-looking scroll. It was a tale on Joyboy, His great great great great descendent. The one with the same powers as him. a man that had seemingly mastered all of them, and this was one of the scrolls he wrote about it. This scroll alone was one of the most valuable items in the entire world.

There was a rumor about these scrolls that if anyone, apart from people with Royal blood read them, they would die. It was because of this that it became a secret, beyond secrets. Izuku had repeatedly used these to train his own powers, With only the help of his father or his grandfather. as only they were allowed to see the scrolls. This was the power of the Gomu Gomu no mi(Rubber Rubber fruit) A power his grandfather was very interested in. But Izuku just didn't see it, Sure it was handy, Not feeling punches or bullets was great.

But then again, Izuku could just turn into light, and it would phase thru him, Or Izuku turns to magma and the bullets and fist just melt on contact. With the rubber powers, He still moved as if he was hit. But his grandfather was a great man, smart and powerful, and if he saw a use for this power, even when Izuku was only 5, Izuku would try his best to master the ability, master it to its fullest extent. But he read the scroll thru once more, Like he did most of the time, Before sealing it in himself again.

''Let's try this again.'' Izuku sounded a little tired, But then again after training the same power alot with very little or no real improvements. Izuku punched forward, His arm stretching thru the entire gym nearly hitting the wall before it stopped with Izuku clenching his jaw as if he was struggling to do something. But the only thing that happened was Izuku's arms just slightly turning.'' God dammit, Why doesn't this work, wait, Perhaps that could work.'' He told himself. He punched forward again. His fist stretched the same distance but this time there was something different.

Izuku had covered his arm in Haki, and as his first went forward, He altered the Haki to bend, Which finally caused his arm to do what he wanted. His stretched arm, turned a full 90 degrees before moving forward again, Izuku did it again, His control of Haki was great enough to bend it more, So now Izuku's fist came right back at him, aiming at his face, It was covered in Haki so if he failed he would be punched in the nose, He focused on his head, It becoming loose like rubber and deflating out of the way,

But it didnt happen, Instead, Izuku just made contact with his own face and punched himself hard enough to put him on his ass,'' Dammit.'' Izuku spoke bitterly. He was getting sick of training this fruit and not having anything from it. He thought back to his grandfather and how he always had problems, But as Izuku thought of it, His grandfather did it with a smile, even when he lay on his deathbed, in his final moments he had a smile on his face. He always acted unbothered and free.'' free'' That might just be it.

Izuku thought back to one of the first training sessions with just him and his grandfather.'' Listen Izuku.'' He said before coughing some blood into a handkerchief,'' Only when you are truly free, you can become who you were meant to be'' Izuku had always taken this as basic life advice, But what if it was a way to really unlock the hidden parts of the powers he had. He had a break thru, He sat up excitedly before dropping back on the floor.''  But how do I train to become free? Am I not already free?'' Izuku said in a defeated tone.

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