Royal Dates, Nejire & Fuyumi

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 '' Are you sure Nem, are you really okay with no meet-ups, Do you think Eri is okay with that.'' Yes, baby, You just have fun with the girls, Eri and I are about to get that fin boy to open us a portal, and we will be spending the rest of our time with Grandma and Grandpa.'' Izuku nearly dropped the phone in laughter.'' They really liked that dont they? But I gotta go, Nejire is knocking on the door.'' Good luck lover boy.'' Nemuri finished as she hung up. Izuku walked up to the door and as he moved it inward, Nejire fell inward aswell.

Right onto the floor.'' Hey Nejire.'' Izuku laughed as Nejire laughed herself.'' Sorry to drop in haha.'' Nejire joked as she got back up,'' So what is our date,'' Nejire smiled, Her bright smile lighting the room up in excitement.'' Well, you didnt give me alot to work with.'' Izuku said as he showed the text that said tea and questions.'' I was first thinking of maybe trying to get some Pro heroes together and allowing your mind to go crazy, But having people show up at our date might be a little weird so,''

Izuku smiled.'' We will go toward a nice little tea shop, According to my mother, the best tea shop in our area, Where we walk into a small room, and I will answer all your questions, About my powers, weapons, dreams, and even the world if you want.'' Izuku was sure for a millisecond Nejire had stars in her eyes, She was overly excited so much so she started vibrating.'' You already want to go I guess.'' She just nodded, Nearly nodding her head so fast it almost showed three different heads.

'' Well, I grab my keys and we will head out right away.'' Izuku walked to the key bowl and walked out. They hopped down the garage and Nejire instantly ran to Tank.'' THIS ONE PLEASE, PLEASE I NEED TO SEE THE INSIDE.'' Izuku laughed,'' Sure, That's Tank, It's created to keep shit safe. You could hide behind it from an assault Rifle, and not even a scratch.'' Nejire jumped in the car as the doors were unlocked, She crawled around it for a bit, to check every part of the car.'' THIS IS SOOOOO COOL.'' Izuku laughed as he took his seat behind the steering wheel.

For Izuku the drive was normal, For Nejire it was a whole new experience. She smiled as they parked, To Izuku's surprise, Nejire had asked zero questions. He expected a thousand questions but there were none, Nejire had plenty of questions but she kept them for herself until they were at the tea shop.'' Good Morning, young Prince, Princess, I expected the two of you a little later, Tea is still brewing.''Thank you, sir, Could we already enter the room or not yet.'' Iroh nodded slowly, as he walked toward the back and opened a room,

'' It might not be fancy, But lives True's pleasures, Come from lives true simplicities.'' Iroh spoke with Izuku smiling.'' I shall bring you a kettle of Jasmine tea when it's ready, You two get comfortable'' As the door close Nejire had her first question.'' How did he know jasmine tea was my favorite, was that pure luck, is he a tea wizard, or did you tell him and if you did how did you figure that out.'' Ha, He is a tea wizard, but I told him, I figured it out, Because when you got drunk at the party, you were talking tea with Momo for a bit.''

Nejire laughed as they sat down together.'' Oke Nejire so what you wanna know, Please slow it down a little, I do need to answer them.'' Nejire nodded.'' Those swords from your room, Why you have them.'' I collect them, Over the years many legendary craftsmen have created bladed weapons, some far surpassing what a normal blade can do, And I wish for these blades to be in the hands of the good.'' Nejire went right into a new question.'' Which one is the one your really looking forward to getting?

This was hard, He wanted all of them, But he did figure it out.'' Ace, the blade is called Ace, It's the sword of my grandfather, During a surprise attack on him his sword was stolen, It's one I have my eye on mostly because it hasn't been seen since that day.'' Oooh, What is your favorite power.'' Damn you asking good questions.'' Izuku before answering was brought out of it by Iroh knocking on the door. He walked in and placed the tea on the table.'' Here you go, Tea created with love and care, Enjoy.'' Iroh walked out just as fast as he walked in.

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