Captured Royalty

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'' Dammit, It seems we are in a big amount of trouble right now,'' Nezu spoke to himself. He didn't have the power to fight these enemies, Sure he wanted to but he wasn't a fighter, So he was going all he could do to stop this invasion and bring these villains down. But all electronics were having problems. Nezu was able to summon the Robot army. Normally they were used for the exams, But they were more than capable to face normal villains and stop them.'' Let's find Gran Torino, He might be able to seek help.

So Nezu started jogging thru the hallways. He mentally brought up the schedule to remember where Gran Torino had his lesson.'' PRINCESS, WE HAVE COME TO PLAY WITH YOU.'' The group of three leading villains called out as they opened the dorm door. The villains that walked in were a trio. Leading them was Toya Setsuno, with his quirk of Larceny, Giving him the ability to steal anything and instantly bring it into his hands. He wore a beak mask that just covered the bottom of his face. He was looking confident and relaxed.

yu was far larger. He was very muscled. His bald head already gave him a very intimidating look, For his mask, he wore a plain white mask that covered his mouth and nose. His quirk Crystallize allowed him to grow a large number of Crystals all over his Body. Making it great for Defence and offense. Last of the three, and the creepiest of them all Soramitsu Tabe. He was slightly hunched over for a mask, He wore a big piece of cloth, tied around his neck with a normal rope. His eyes looked hungrily at the Homie that stood in the middle.'' You have forfeited your life by trespassing here.''

The Homie raised its blade. Its stare pierced the three of them. It shocked them so much that Toya didn't use his quirk to steal the blade. He was just too shocked at the fact a teddy bear was talking with them.'' What the fuck, Is the LSD working that well already.'' He felt like he was tripping balls. So he didnt even flinch when the Homie sprinted right for him,'' DIE.'' The sword pierced his shoulder. He was lucky Yu gave him a shoulder tackle, The blade instead of piercing his heart, just went to the shoulder.

'' WHAT THE FUCK YOUR REAL. KILL THAT SHITTY FUCKING THING.'' Toya screamed, the pain from his shoulder causing him to scream. Yu covered his fist in Crystals. It build just like a sword, He swiped it toward the Homie that jumped back sword in hand, and blocked it.'' Fuck off thing, we need Eri.'' The Homie just rang forward again, He swiped from bottom to top. Only for the Crystal to block it.'' I will protect princess Eri. To take her, you must defeat me.'' He wanted to attack again, But he wanted to swipe it and take Yu's head.

Toya used his quirk and stole the blade. The Homie however wasn't just trained in the sword. So he with a spin kick. Yu covered up still. He wasn't taking any chances with this thing. From his shoulder, a large Crystal grew and it kicked him back alot. But that was right into Soramitsu. His mouth went open. and be a bit right into the Homie. It tore his chest right open and it caused the Soul to die, Which meant it would go right back to Izuku. Back to Izuku with all the Information. It just didnt happen fast.

It allowed Yu and Sora to walk right up, and Toya stayed down, He stumbled into the kitchen, Bleeding heavily from his shoulder. He tore open the drawers.'' Fuck, fuck fuck.'' He knew his time was getting short. He quickly turned on the stove. He placed a butter knife on it allowing it to get hot enough to close the wound while he kept looking for bandages. Just as the two others reached the top floor.'' Eri it's time you come with us.'' When Eri heard these voices. The memories came back. Her hands stopped moving and she slowly started shaking.

''no, no,no,no.NO, NO,NO NO PAPA NO. PAPA, PAAPAA PLEASE.'' She started screaming in fear, She fell on her back and started crawling as far as possible from the door. Fuyumi however steadied her gaze and decided to take her stance, No matter the outcome, She would give it her all. She readied her quirk. waiting for the movement at the door. The door handle turned, It was easy to figure out which room was Eri, All Because of that cute Sign that read her name. But as Fuyumi saw this she placed her hands on the floor'' LEAVE NOW!!!'' 

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