PLE Begins

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Check out my newest story, It's called MidoRyuu, It is about dragon Izuku. 

The students walked into the very tight area. Shoulder to shoulder. Out in front walked a tired-looking man.'' Shiii, He really looks sleepier than Aizawa sensei.'' Yeah, and I don't know how.'' Robin asked with a giggle.'' Good morning everyone, let's get this done quickly so that I can get some sleep, I am rather tired.'' The man spoke as he hit a button and the top screen right above him lit up.'' Now As you can see, in The first part of the exam you will all get three marks, You can place them on your body,''

As he was explaining this, multiple suit-wearing dudes walked around and gave each of them three pats.'' Place them anywhere Exept on blocked locations. Like armpits, below the feet, under your clothing. Keep them visible.'' He said as everyone started placing the marks.'' You also get six of their red balls. These have trackers in them. You have to make each of them count, all three marks hit, and you are out. But you don't have to make three hits to get someone out. You can be the last one to hit the third mark on someone, and you would still make the point.''

This got the group to feel like it was much like heroism. You may fight the villain first, But If you win the fight, you get the fame. It's a sad reality, But it was theirs, So they nodded to themselves  as the man started to finish his speech of sorts.'' Now we have explained that, Please do your best to strive as a hero.'' With that, the walls folded outward leaving the area open and free, The classes sprinted out with 1A holding their ground slightly.'' We gotta stick together group. We are strongest together.'' Momo called out with Ida agreeing.

'' Fuck that, If I want to really let loose I can't have you fuckers around. You all will just get in the way.'' What he really means is you could get hurt. Bakubro has been working the sizes of his explosions, cant have us be hurt during the exam, But don't worry, I will stick with him, Divide and conquer right,'' Nami nodded.'' Cant lose now can we, let's give it our all, Split into groups, Focus on staying in earshot, and work together.'' The class cheered. they wanted to move but right then the signal was given and the same man that they saw before, acting friendly was waiting for that.

Slamming his hands down on the floor, His quirk taking effect. Shaking the ground, it broke up into parts leaving the class disrupted and confused, Which they took advantage of. The class jumped right up ready to beat everyone down and pass quickly.'' It's over for you all. Homing missile madness.'' one of his classmates use his six balls and threw them at the class. they shot underground causing the group to lose sight of the ball.'' Fuck what can we do now?'' Camie yelled not wanting to lose that quickly.''

'' I got them,'' Ochaco yelled, as she used her quirk on one of the lost chunks of earth and her skill in danger sense to pick up the chunk and throw it right into the ground, stopping the balls. '' Kami let's get them,'' Sero called out, Wrapping tape around Kaminari and throwing him forward into the group.'' TEAM MOVE, I CHOOSE YOU'' Sero called out as he threw Kami into the middle of the other students.'' THUNDERBOLT.'' Denki screamed loudly as he shocked everyone in the area, causing them to shake in pain for a small second before Someone landed on top of him.

'' Glass Dome, Protection.'' The glass surrounded Denki, Protecting the class and capturing Denki, But Denki wasn't alone.'' You ain't touching my buddy.'' Sato called out crunching on a sugar cube and rushing forward, The glass breaking as Sato's shoulder charged forward, Denki dropping down on the floor to give Sato a free rein. He kept going, Hitting the large group right away.'' I GOT THEM.'' Sero ran by trying to trap the class, But as the first class, They weren't the only ones wanting to take out 1A.

Out came what looked like 10 extra classes, Jumping right for 1A'' WE GOTTA GO, LEAVE THEM AND RUN, WE GOTTA PASS.'' Momo said as she started dropping smoke grenades left and right while grabbing ahold of anyone she could to run out in a big group. In the end, There were around 6 to 8 groups of students.  Bakugo was alone with Kirishima well far away. Shoto was able to escape in the mids of all the chaos. Momo ran out with Nami and Ojiro, in hand and tail. They ran toward the lake, Nami believing she would be best suited around there.

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