Pirate Island

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'' Finally'' Nezu said glad to have finally found where the Blackbeard group was hiding out. They had taken over a small island. Nezu instantly gave the go sign. With a signal portal toward a nearby island, that Fin had vacationed on before.'' Cool, So should I go ahead, and give them the warning? Or do we wait and go as a team?'' Izuku asked. It didnt really matter to him. He kind of wanted to see it as a challenge, How many could he defeat in that short amount of time?

'' We shall go as a group. however, finding a boat large enough to take us all.'' Nah, Chill, we can walk there.'' Kurao said walking up to the water.'' Sir, I understand we could freeze the water, But that has to take too long and would cause alot of energy.'' Rei said she had trained in that form of control before. While she was able to do it with just her, doing such a thing for such a large force.'' Nah. I got this. Not to brag, But I am adding more ice to the artic.'' Kurao poked his finger in the water.'' It's right ahead right.''

Nezu nodded. He grabbed a compass.'' Two degrees north.'' Kurao adjusted slightly before breathing out. Out of his finger. ice came forth. It took but a moment before it seemed the entire ocean was completely covered in ice.'' This will give us a little bit of a walk, But they should not be able to see the ice yet, so we do have the element of surprise on our side.'' Nezu smiled as the group started walking. Izumi wrapped her arm around Kurao and messed with his hair'' Your control got better kiddo. Almost presentable'' She said seeing the edges were kinda sharp. But acceptable enough.

The walk was boring but people liked it more than a boat ride. And as they arrived multiple different villains had been waiting for them. They had seen the ice as they came to shore and were getting ready to fight.'' Oy where is your boss, I want to kick his ass and arrest him.'' Izuku asked as one rushed him. a large ax in hand. As he swung it to Izuku. In a flash, he was gone. Kakashi stood in front. One hand on the ax. Izumi Curtil stood in front of her leg extended. Both had attacked first.

While Kakashi went to protect Izuku. Izumi went to attack the idiot that attacked her student. He was rocketed back and implanted in multiple buildings.'' ONLY I GET TO KILL HIM,'' Izumi screamed causing the villains to stop their advancement. They did not expect that level of violence, '' Do be aware, While most of us are heroes. We don't have to follow the rules.'' Jordan set cracking his knuckles. '' Now then sirs, madam you all have your targets, try and stay focused as a wrong match-up could cause a death,'' Nezu said as the groups ran together to find their battles. 

Izuku felt the strongest source. He was kind of confused. While there was a difference in power between the strongest and the one just below that. it wasn't that. But the fact that he was soo much weaker compared to the ones Izuku had already faced. He felt it should have been like a build-up. Going from AFO to Big Mom was a slight jump. Big Mom has more power but less ability. Then Kaido made a massive Jump up in danger and power, But now a drop-down.

He could deal with that, But inside Izuku's mind, He did not feel one source, it felt like multiple within one person. Like three people inside of one.'' Well, My target is up top. On that weird head type skull.'' Izuku said before using the Pika Pika no mi and moving toward that. Because he was inside a stone cave of sorts. He landed a spin kick breaking the top part of the cave. Which caused one of the weirdest reactions Izuku could have guessed. He noticed Blackbeard, drinking from a large barrel. Two women kissing his fat belly, 

That wasn't unheard of. He was powerful, and some women were more into power than they were into looks. But the entire island cried and yelled out in pain. Izuku had destroyed alot of buildings and islands. Mostly on accident, a couple on purpose, But this had to be the first ever time. Izuku caused an island to cry out in pain.'' That island dude right? Ah, wonder if I remove the island would he die.'' Izuku said as he landed in the room of Blackbeard.'' ZEHAHAHAHA, WHO ARE YOU.'' Izuku's head turned slightly.'' That's my line. I am the Hero Akuma.''

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