Hospital Trip

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Izuku shortly after losing sight of Nemuri collapsed in the middle of the hallway. He didn't have any more energy or blood to keep himself upright. People were scared seeing their prince fall to the floor into a small puddle of his own blood.

While doctors and nurses ran up to help him They had to keep him alive, The Media took pictures. They had started when Izuku entered with Midnight and it gave them several eye-catching headlines.

First would be Prince of Asia injured in villain attack. This would without a doubt skyrocket their sales. The second one would be the Villian attack in Hosu and the Prince came to the rescue. If they got a bit more information they would try and do a story on Izuku and Midnight possibly dating. 

The hospital was having a day they would never forget. First off a high number of injuries, None severe but still in need of medical assistance. While this would be unusual it wasn't unheard of, What really took the cake was the fact that the most high-ranking person in japan at the moment, stumbled in their hospital injured himself but caring for an even more injured person in his arms.

Seeing as the prince really wanted her to live they called their best doctor back on duty. In the meantime, they would try and keep her stable. But then Izuku just dropped in their hallway. They went to him right away. 

First thing was to get him undressed so they could correctly see all his injuries but there was a bit of fear in all the nurses. The head nurse took the point but oh boy did she hope she wouldn't be reprimanded for looking at her prince his body. When he was undressed they noticed the large numbers small cuts over his body

He had one cut that went thru his entire body which was the source of his main blood loss. He also had a cut on his face. They first believed they were able to heal this without leaving a scar but that quickly changed when they saw the extent of the wound. It would be a scar and a showable one at that. by sheer change, Izuku's eye would still work.

In a couple of hours, Izuku was resting in a private hospital room away from prying eyes, Which were a lot after the first newsletter went across the world it brought shock to everyone. While Izuku was still sleeping while slowly getting his blood back. Nemuri was in surgery. She would survive with scars but no permanent damage. One of the large cuts she received over her stomach was only an inch or two away from making it impossible for her to bear children.

The other heroes showed up shortly after Izuku was brought to a room. Aizawa, Both Ida's, Yuyu, and Dabi with Burnin. The others were busy with the remaining Nomu's and villains. Only Dabi and Burnin didn't require help. Both were running a bit hot but nothing that wouldn't be fixed after a good night's sleep.

Dabi was holding Wado and Shusui while Burnin was holding the last one. They sat just outside of the room with the swords not reacting in any way. While they waited Izuku shot up out of his bed breathing heavily. Dabi and Burnin shot in the room not knowing what to expect. '' WHERE IS SHE.'' He begged as he tried standing up but he was still in a state of dizziness.

Dabi ran up and helped him up but put him back into his bed.'' Please calm down prince. She is fine, She is still in surgery at the moment, But she will be fine.'' He told Izuku who let out a breath of relief.'' We also informed the staff to bring her in this room after she gets out of surgery, I do hope that is alright, Sir.'' Burnin said '' Also we have these.'' She said as she lifted the sword she was carrying 

'' Thank you, What about the others, How are Aizawa and Ida.'' They are all fine. While Aizawa did get a head injury it was nothing dangerous. Both Ida's are fine. Tensei at the moment is going around in a wheelchair while being chased by a speed walking Tenya scolding him about going too fast in a hospital.'' Dabi said making him and Izuku chuckle.

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