One VS Ones.

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Okay so this is the artwork, Isn't it fucking awesome. But this is how Izuku looks in the current time. Please give me your thoughts on it so I can pass them on to the creator of the fan art as she is still unsure about her work. 

Who is going against who?'' Mirio asked as he rolled his shoulders

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Who is going against who?'' Mirio asked as he rolled his shoulders. '' We can always just draw lots,'' Izuku suggested with everyone agreeing until they figured out they didnt have any lots. '' Good idea but we got nothing for that,'' Kendo said with Izuku just holding out his hands, and out came enough wooden sticks with a number on the top.

Izuku had used the Uddo Uddo no mi( Wood Wood fruit, Fan fruit) to make the sticks. He then also created a wooden bucket. He placed the sticks into the bucket and put a wooden donut top on it having the bottoms without the numbers sticking out.

''Let's do it this way then,'' Izuku said with a smirk as he grabbed one of the numbers. '' altho we are uneven.'' Izuku said '' Well we dont have to do a tournament type, We could just do a normal fight. Like fighting whoever you just want to fight, Might be a little bit much for some people tho.'' Todoroki said looking at Izuku seeing he wanted to fight him.

'' Well I will be okay with it, Dont mind having a good spar even if it's against 16 others,'' Izuku said with everyone also being okay with it. Izuku did say he wanted to see Shinso fight before him so he could see what he did wrong or did correctly.

Shinso went and fought Kirishima as the first fight

Both took a fighting stance with Kirishima's being far better than Shinso. Shinso did have a correct stance it was just a little sloppy. Izuku gave the signal as Shinso moved forward with him keeping up his guard. He came right in front of Kirishima in a few steps and started with a right hook that Kirishima docked under and then dodged a left jab and responded with a right hook right into  Shinso's ribs.

The punch did a lot of damage to Shinso but it did give him a good opportunity for a right jab and a low kick against Kirishima's Knee which stopped him for a second. Kirishima's stop earned him a straight jab against the nose which Kirishima was able to tank. Kirishima regained his stance and landed a combo which was a right hook against the ribs then a right hook against the open chin of Shinso and finishing a left straight punch knocking Shinso down '' I give up.'' Shinso called out as he was now in pain.

'' FIGHT ME NEXT.'' Tetsutetsu called out as Shinso walked out. Kirishima agreed as it's not manly to back down from a fight. As they fought Izuku went and let out a couple of tears on Shinso who felt better right away.'' Well, you did decent against Kirishima, You just have to focus more on technique before trying to fight someone like Kirishima. That or the use of a weapon.'' Izuku told Shinso as they sat and watched Tetsutetsu and Kirishima trade blows.

'' I know but dont really know what to use.'' Why not use Aizawa's scarf. Try and ask for a couple of lessons with it.'' He agreed might be perfect for him to use. Might also be able to learn extra weapons later on.'' I would also suggest after you learn more of Aizawa for some Tonfas. They are great for close combat.'' Kendo added on as a suggestion to her newest classmate.

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