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'Hello and Welcome to NewsJapan, I am your host Haruto Daro, Here as always with the lovely Sara Woo.'' a man with the head of a boar said as he showed his co-host which was a very beautiful woman with long blond hair in a fancy red dress. You could also see her quirk as her arm was robotic with a screen and blinking lights.

'' Now today we have quite a bit happening. First, we will be having an interview with butPrince Izuku Midoriya. While that is more than exciting by itself we have more.'' Yes, we do Daro, Not only will we speak with the prince and be able to ask him all sorts of questions, but We have also received some news. Both the Queen and King Are on their way back to Japan and should be arriving sometime this week.'' Woo spoke as she looked at her arm.

'' Plus the other royal families should also enter Asia either end of this week or the beginning of next week. But let get right into the interview we are all waiting on.'' Daro said as they started paying attention toward the large screen at the back and it showed Izuku with a smile on his face. '' Hello, Thank you for having me.'' It's our honor to have you here with us today. I hope you are in good health even after your injuries that you sustained during the fight with Chizome Akaguro or also known as Stain.''

'' Ah, Yes I am in good health. Altho I did sustain this. I am doing great.'' He said as he pointed at his scar.'' Nonsense, It fits well on your face and makes you quite handsome.'' Woo said with Izuku thanking her while chuckling. It was clear to Izuku that the woman was trying to flirt with him which was clear to Nemuri aswell as she was giving him the knowing look while she, Eri, Ochaco, And Mina was waiting until Izuku called them.

'' About the Stain incident, you were there studying under Midnight correct?'' Yes, I took my internship with Midnight, And it was just that during that time she was in the group that was after Stain.'' How is she doing, I heard she also received some injuries and there have been rumors that you were the one to bring her to a hospital. How much of that is correct?'' Daro asked

'' Yes Midnight received several injuries and I did bring her into the hospital.'' Do you happen to know if she is still injured or is she already recovered?'' Woo asked'' Yes Recovery girl was a great help for the both of us in recovery and Midnight now is back in full strength.'' Now there have been a lot of rumors surrounding the both of you. With the main one being that you both are in a relationship. If it's not too personal could you perhaps tell us if that is true?'' 

'' Yes, I and Midnight have been in a relationship for a while now.'' With this Izuku signaled for Nemuri and the others to join him.'' I am in a relationship with these 3 beautiful women and this here is my daughter.'' As Izuku said this it was clear as day that they were shocked beyond belief.

'' U-Uhm I am sorry Sir but could you please say that again, I believe there was some interference.'' Daro said.'' Of course. This Is my Daughter Eri and my three Beautiful girlfriends.'' W-we were not aware that you had a daughter, Who is her mother if I can ask?'' I am not sure. I adopted her after an interaction with a villain. Since that day I adopted her and I dont regret it for a single second. As for her mothers, It seems like she has plenty of those.'' Izuku smiled as he made Eri face the camera a little.

'' Well hello, Princess how are you doing today.'' I-'m fine, Thank you.'' Uhm what should we call your girlfriends.'' Woo asked ready to write down names and do some research on them.'' Well, who better to introduce them, Then they themself.'' Izuku said as he first pointed at Nemuri.'' Hello, I am Nemuri Kayama,'' Hi, I am Mina Ashido.'' Uhm Hello I'm Ochaco Uraraka.''

'' Well you have been dropping some rather larger bombs on us, I assume that is the last right,'' Daro said as the rest started researching everything. Izuku looked at Nemuri who gave a smile and a nod.''  Well talking about bombs, We do have one more piece of news. Nemuri and I are trying for a child.'' This was enough to make them all stop searching and just go wide-eyed.

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