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Momo, Nami, and Ojiro just reached the base of the lake, They were out of breath and still in a panic after what had just happened.'' Fuck, what the hell was that, Why did they all just jump out at us, It was chaos.'' Momo nodded to Ojiro's worries.'' I believe it has to do with fame from the sports festival, We got known during it, so it might just be the case.'' Momo said as she popped out a metal bo staff. Nami pulled three blue sticks out, on the top of each stick was a blue ball. She stabbed them together making a very unique weapon.

'' Nami what is that.'' Ojiro asked confused looking at the new weapon Nami wielded, She smiled.'' I just got it from the support course, It should give me more use of my own quirk.'' Nami twisted it around before resting it tightly on the ground.'' WE FOUND THEM, GUYS.'' A guy with a shark quirk screamed as he dove out of the water. His nose was long and almost saw-like. Diving right for Ojiro, who with skill, slammed his tail down and jumped, boosting his jump, with a flip over the shark, dodging him completely.

A group of 7 other fish quirked people walked out of the water, each ready to fight and defeat the trio of hero trainees.'' Great.'' Nami said, a tad of rage in her voice. Not heard but the students or the fishmen. But picked up by Izuku. Not sure why that would be the case, But it didnt matter as she got it under control quickly. All three got in their own fighting stance, Nami and Ojiro facing the group of 7 while Momo stood facing the loner with their backs against each other.'' How are we going to do this.''

It wasn't a good place to be at, surrounded by enemies, that were starting to circle them.'' I got this, It's time to test this baby out.'' Nami said with a cocky smile as she placed her hand at the front of the staff and pushed it forward.'' HEAT BALL.'' She expected a fireball of sorts to shoot out and cause some good destruction, But in reality, a small hand size ball of warm air shot out, doing absolutely nothing but stopping the fishmen in surprise, not fear, just bewilderment of weakness.'' Uhm, what.'' Nami asked herself, surprised at the attack.

'' No bother.'' She shook her head.'' COOL BALL.'' She once more hoped for an ice spear to shoot out and freeze them in their place. Forcing them to tap due to the sub-zero temperatures, But again a light blue ball came out, doing nothing, not even giving a chill to the fishmen it hit.'' DAMMIT.'' Nami screamed in frustration as her attack did absolutely nothing.'' WELL MY FINAL ATTACK, FEEL THE PAIN OF THUNDER BALLS.'' Instead of an attack that would make Denki jealous, out came a small yellow ball of static, that only caused the fishmen to chuckle at the small current

'' Really that was it.'' a Fishman said with wide arms and a long ponytail.'' Uhm can I try again?'' Nami wondered with it just being silent.'' FUCK THAT, WE WILL KILL YOU NOW HAHAHAHA.'' The saw nose shark spoke as he walked up to Nami only to be hit with a bo staff in the knee by Momo.'' We are here aswell remember that.'' She continued, by using the back to slam it into his face, causing him to lead backward, which she then spun causing the front to slam into his gut.'' retreat.'' Momo screamed 

Ojiro slammed his tail down creating a dust cloud as they ran over the fishmen Momo attacked. They held away up in a small fishing cabin where they came up with a new game plan.'' Nami what the fuck was that suppose to be.'' I DONT KNOW, THEY TOLD ME IT WAS A WEAPON NOT SOME FUCKING PARTY TRICK.'' Nami cried as she crew the staff down which a paper caused to fall out.'' wha.'' Momo said picking the paper up and started reading it, It took her a second but she then gave it to Nami with a shake of the head.

'' If you read this note, please note that the weapon is not yet complete, It was a hard test to be completed, so at this point use it to get known, or just as a staff. Sorry about that.'' Nami read out loud before yelling in frustration. grabbing the staff she wanted to throw it out but was stopped by Ojiro.'' Aren't you going to be a weather witch, How the fuck can that stop you, got time, just think of a way to use it, I will lead those fishmen away.'' Ojiro went to stand up but Momo followed.

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