Ibara, Fuyumi,Ryuko and Rumi fluff

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Ibara stepped out of the shower. As she had her towel around her body, she smiled happily as she combed her hair slightly, While she didnt need to comb her hair, she enjoyed it as it was something that calmed her. She was extremely nervous. Ibara had been a devoted Christian for nearly her entire life. She loved it. she loved the purpose and the feeling she got from it. She followed the rules, treating others with love and respect. And she was proud of it. And Now her boyfriend Izuku, often did things for her.

Like later today. Ibara wore the nicest dress. Put on the clean and well-maintained cross chain on her neck. Izuku tapped on the door.'' Ibara babe, you ready?'' Ibara smiled as she skipped toward the door. Opening and smiling at Izuku.'' I am, I am slightly nervous, But am looking forward to this.'' Izuku nodded as he offered his hand. Ibara wrapped her arm around him, and both walked down together. Minato had been waiting on them. As they came down, he had been talking with Eri and Kota as both were drawing while prone on the floor.

'' Ah Hello, Prince, Princess. Shall we go?'' Minato asked with Izuku nodding.'' Eri, Kota have fun. see you all later.'' Izuku said before teleporting away. They teleported right in the middle of the Vatican. They were teleported right into the palace. A clean room with almost nothing.'' Now then, Please text me when you will need a pickup.'' Minato said teleporting away with a bow, Leaving Izuku and Ibara alone still with Ibara holding his arm. She grabbed him tightly. Her nerves rose as she was in the capital of Christianity.  She swallowed deeply. Before Izuku rested his hand just on top of hers, a soft smile on his face as he started walking.

As they walked. Ibara had her jaw nearly slack on the floor. Multiple high-ranking priests greeted them, and Ibara always greeted back as politely as she could.'' Wanna see the pope?'' Izuku asked Ibara with a smirk. Ibara started to blush and stutter. She wasn't ready for that, Did she look presentable? She didnt even have her bible. would he believe she was a failure as a Christian, would he be glad? As they walked into the room where it was said the Pope was, Ibara was nearly vibrating in fear and excitement.

Then they saw him. Just an older gentleman, sitting on top of a throne, speaking with other members of the church. He looked up. A head bow.'' Ah hello Prince Midoriya, It's a pleasure.'' Good day to you aswell Pope, Sorry for the intrusion, It's just my girlfriend here, who has been a devoted Christian and never saw the Vatican so decided to go sightseeing.'' Hello my child, Hope you enjoy your visit.'' Ibara was unable to speak, the normally talkative girl was stunned. something Izuku found adorable.'' i-i-i am sir, father pope sir.'' Izuku chuckled slightly.

 As Izuku and Ibara sat down near the pope. The conversation started slowly. Izuku while having talked at length with the pope in his journey to understand Christianity better, never really came here that often. But Ibara had a question. Moral gray areas.'' You see most people follow the bible as a set of rules, And if something is not said it's correct, Yet God would judge us if we do evil in his name. There are many things the bible says, Yet it shall never be more than a guide for those that struggle morally. Be good and god will reward you.''


Izuku sat on the wooden chair. He cracked his fingers as he stared down his enemy. Their eyes met. Pure rage and hatred shared in their eyes. His enemy had a smirk on their face, they were winning. Izuku knew it. They knew it, everyone watching knew it. This would be his end if he didnt pull out a miracle. Yet as he played his move it was his last.'' YES, I WIN.'' Fuyumi yelled as she jumped up and down the table. Around her, the Todoroki family sat smiling as Izuku gave her the stink eye.

He had been invited to the Todoroki game night. Everything was going great. They started off with snack poker. He cleaned house. He was unbeatable. None could read him and he read them all like a book. But they swapped games. He just lost in Ludo. And Fuyumi won. But she won fair and squire. Which just made them swap games again They would do teams. Izuku and Fuyumi, Rei and Enji, Moe, and Toya, and lastly Shoto and Natsuo. Everyone knew Shoto and Natsuo would lose. Shoto sucked at charades. Fuyumi grabbed a cart. She had a movie. She sat her butt straight on the floor.

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