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It's a new day for UA. the entire day for 1A has been filled with normal school work, One lesson was interesting and that was Art History with Midnight teaching as she flirted with Izuku pretty much every chance she got. Now they are waiting for their next lesson which is Heroics with All Might teaching. People went and spilt into different groups with Sero, Kaminari, Kirishima, Bakugo, and Ojiro as one group. Mina, Ochaco, Tsuyu, Tokoyami, Ida, Toru, Jiro, Momo, and Shoto sitting with them not really talking. And then the last group being Aoyama, Koda, Shoji, and Sato. Izuku was sitting by himself not because the others didn't like him or anything. Izuku just didn't know how to act with groups his age so at the moment he was reading whilst observing how the groups acted around each other without listening to anyone's conversation.

'' What do you guys think of Shimura,'' Jiro asked her group wanting to know what their thoughts would be about their most mysterious classmate. '' He seems like a nice person, at least so far he hasn't done anything bad.'' Toru said with Momo then adding.'' Yeah and he kinda made sure that creepy guy from yesterday wouldn't jump on me.'' Looking at him objectively he seems to have been raised correctly with manners. I dont yet have an idea how he is as a person himself for our limited knowledge about him but so far he seems respectable and nice.''Ida added.'' What about you two.'' Toru asked Mina and Ochaco. '' Yeah he wanted to talk to you both so I would think you know him a bit how is he.'' Tsuyu asked with both of them stuttering a bit as they answered.'' He is uhm Nice, But we dont really know him. He just wanted to ask if we were okay after the exam.'' Mina told them hoping to get rid of the subject.

'' Huh exam, What happend.'' Momo asked as she and Shoto both didn't take the normal exam.'' O you mean with the massive robot correct.'' Ida asked the 2 girls them nodding now they looked at Ida for him to explain. '' Well during the exam, there was a 0 point that was larger than any other pointer and stronger as well. This robot wasn't worth anything so it was advised to not fight it. When it first showed up it was as large as the buildings, so I decided to run away and score more points, But apparently, both Uraraka and Ashido here were stuck under rubble with no way of escaping and the robot coming right for them. Shimura arrived and protected them by destroying the 0 pointers and blasting them from the explosion. Heroes shortly showed up but I already left in hopes of helping others with Injuries.'' Ida finished with everyone who took the exam looking with wide eyes at Izuku and the 2 girls with both of them nodding that the statement was true.

'' Wait.'' Toru made them all look at her. '' Does that mean both of you have seen his face?'' She asked with it making everyone wonder even Todoroki but he didn't show it. both of them tried thinking of an answer but couldn't come up with anything. Just before they were going to answer All might entered the room'' HAHAHA I AM HERE. To teach you all heroics.'' All Might said as he entered the classroom getting everyone to forget about the question and start talking about him. '' O wow, that's his silver age costume.'' He looks so much stronger in real life'' He looks so tall.''

'' HAHAHA, Calm down students. We are going to have a fun lesson. Today will be Battle training.'' All Might said as he pulled out a card that had the word battle written on it. '' We will go toward Ground Beta for today's training. When we arrive there you all will change into your hero costume and then I will explain the exercise. now for your hero costumes, you all gave instructions for your costume when filling in your application so we have them ready.'' All might said as he clicked a button on  his desk and out popped 19 suitcases .'' Take them and meet me at Ground Beta.'' All Might said as he jumped out the window and rushed over toward the grounds of Ground Beta.

Everyone grabbed their suitcases and made their way toward Ground Beta and got changed. (They all wore the same Outfits as Canon.) Everyone walked out With them noticing that someone wasn't there yet.'' Where is Shimura''Asked Momo worried one of her classmates was lost. '' Sorry, It took me slightly longer than I would have expected,'' Izuku said as he walked up to the class Izuku was wearing a white suit with a blue dress shirt and a red tie, With all that he also wore a large white coat over his shoulders leaving his hands free ( He wears what Monkey D Garp wears) On the back of the coat, the Kanji words for Justice were written He also still wore his face mask covering everything below his eyes. '' Looking cool Shimura.'' Sero said with a thumb up.'' Thank you guys looks cool as well very good design.'' He said as he looked over the class and their costumes. He slightly blushed after seeing the girl's outfits, But was able to calm down without anyone noticing anything.

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