The taller they are, the harder they fall

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''DON'T THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT ME, THE COLOSSAL BATTLESHIP SANJUAN WOLF.'' The 180 Meter giant spoke. He was beyond massive and even for the two that had grown in size. They still were mini compared to him. Jordan even smaller.'' HEAVEN GRASP.'' Ibara called out thru the large golem she created both its hands moved forward, before its fingers fired forward, the vines reaching out and crawling over Wolf. She in a mere moment had his lower leg covered.'' DEEP FOREST CONTAINMENT.'' Kamui called out himself. Doing the exact same as Ibara only with his wood.

Both had stopped him from moving.'' FUCK IT, UHM POWERFUL AMERICAN FIST PUNCH.'' Jordan Jumped up, His quirk and Geppo easily allowing him to reach 180 meters in height. Just as he came near the head Jordan started rotating his body before landing a uppercut on Wolf. He instantly was forced to look straight up as he spat out teeth from the large force. But he was put in place by both Ibara and Kamui who had been spreading their quirks all over his lower body to keep him stuck.'' YOUR BIG ASS IS GRASS FUCKER,'' Jordan screamed using Geppo to stay afloat in mid-air.

'' GET AWAY BUG,'' Sanjuan screamed swiping with his arm, But because of his large size. it was slow. Jordan easily saw it coming from far away.'' FUCK IT, ALL MIGHT INSPIRE AIR BULLET BUT COOLER.'' Jordan never named his attacks, But as he was trying out some stuff, Eri and Kota started naming his attacks. So he ran with them. He flicked that hand away. Ibara and Kamui were slowly covering more and more of Sanjuan Wolf and it would be just a short bit before he would be covered and captured.

'' LET ME GO,'' Wolf screamed as he started trying to move his legs. But his lower body was covered. Both had now captured perhaps the biggest villain in the world. and both had done it quickly and efficiently.'' Sir, I will help up there.'' Ibara said with Kamui nodding. He wasn't done by a far cry, But he knew what UA was doing and he was all for it. The world was in chaos. Villian groups taking over, the king of the world going to fight crime daily, it was quite scary and it somehow made people lose faith in heroes.

It's why Nezu didnt call for the entire top 10. Sure more of them came today because of the possible dangers that Blackbeard could have. But overall the students had to take the forefront. It's why most groups had students and not heroes. They were gonna show that the next generation was able to handle themselves. They were able to fight and win no matter who they were up against. So he stayed back. allowing the kids to fight. Jordan of course knew this. He acted like a dumb jock most of the time because it was funny, But he understood Nezu's plan.

It was why he allowed Momo to land so many hits on King aswell. And now. Sure he could go all out, and remove Sanjuan's wolf head in a single blow but that would do nothing for the safety of the world. they would still have no faith in heroes. He however wasn't gonna let one of his best friends' future wives get hurt. So softening up the bag guy before allowing the other to defeat him in a close combat case was required. Plus it was kind of fun not going all out and still winning. He could see why Izuku often did the same thing.


'' ZEHAHAHAHAHA YOU REALLY THINK YOU WILL DEFEAT ME SO QUICKLY.'' Izuku just nodded his head as he looked around the room, The room had very little natural life before Izuke came thru the wall at least, So it was a dark and dusty room. Teach sat on a large couch. still with a barrel of booze in his hand.'' And why is that, Akuma.'' Teach said using Izuku's hero name.'' I mean. That is just what I do. I am like undefeated. not counting my teachers. or my mom, or well my dad aswell, damn I kinda lost alot. Then again they are not human so it's fine.'' Izuku said mostly talking to himself.

Blackbeard laughed but he was annoyed. He was the great Marshall D Teach, Admiral Blackbeard. of the Blackbeard Pirates. And here some barely grown boy stood in front of him, with the gull to say he was going to quickly defeat him,'' TRY ME, YOUR QUIRKS won't WORK AGAINST ME.'' Blackbeard said as darkness sprouted from behind him. Covering the room and most importantly stopping Izuku's quirk from working.'' Wait, you can stop my quirk?'' ZEHAHAHAHA SCARED YOU CANT RUN ANYMORE.'' Blackbeard laughed feeling he had the upper hand.

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