Fluff, Shino, Tomoko, Pixie

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Izuku dropped down on the floor. As his feet finally touched the group he smiled. He stood back on the edge of the forest of the pussycat land. He smiled happily as he remembered the camp. And instead of flying over the top of the forest, He jumped down. He ran through the forest with a massive smile. Without any beast or extra students. it barely took Izuku 10 minutes to arrive at the pussy cat compounded. And he heard the exact reason he was here. He shook his head as he walked toward the yelling.

Shino was yelling at the group in front of her. Kota was covered in a layer of flour, he was covered head to toe in the white powder. Tiger had an automatic mixer in his hands. One half in each hand, having broken it in half. All of the room was covered with cooking supplies. Tomoko and Ry were covered in egg and flout. To Izuku it seemed like the group was planning to bake something, Yet it had gone horribly wrong. and Shino had vines popping out of her forehead as she yelled at them. None had noticed Izuku as they were all looking down at the floor

Izuku sprinted forward, grabbing Shino at the waist. She screamed at the strange moment, He held her tightly as she struggled slightly.'' IZUKU I AM NOT DONE YELLING LET ME GO.'' No, you are way too stressed. You four, Please clean up and keep it clean, I will get Shino calm.'' Each gave a deep boy in gratitude. He truly was a god among men.'' NONONONO THEY NEED TO LEARN TO NOW FIGHT WITH FLOUR.'' Shino yelled as she struggled against Izuku. Uselessly she tried struggling against it.

But she stopped struggling as Izuku used the float float fruit to float upward. His feet left the ground and he quickly stood nearly among the clouds.'' Do we always have to go sooo high?'' Shino said slightly scared at the fact they were so far up. Izuku smirked as he nodded. He mostly did it for one singular reason. Shino was hugging him really tight.'' I don't have to, But can you blame me.'' He smiled as he hugged her tightly. his hand pressed against her lower back.'' Well, let's get you relaxed. Izuku dashed forward at high speeds. Shino screamed. 

Her blood pressure rose even more as Izuku zoomed around. He smiled as Shino screamed. with terror as she moved through the air at insane speeds. She didnt mind it at all. She loved the idea. But the fact Izuku did not even hold her that tight, She felt like she could fall at any moment. She noticed they were flying out of Japan.'' where are we doing.'' She screamed. Izuku just smiled as they started going faster, even using shave to move faster than ever before. Zooming over. In an hour or so of flying. Shino was red in the face

'' IZUKU D MIDORIYA, WHERE ON EARTH ARE WE NOW.'' She screamed with annoyance.'' Right now we are at the Retreat Hotel at Blue Lagoon in Iceland. Aka one of the best spas in the world. And you have a reservation.'' Izuku said with a smile. He still had Shino in his arms and he walked inside.'' Oh hello mister Midoriya, and Miss Sosaki, it's a pleasure and an honor to have you stay with us for today.'' The manager spoke as soon as they walked in. His tone is clear with respect and pride.'' I won't really be staying. I am like 85% of her stress anyway haha.'' Izuku laughed as the man nodded.

'' bu'' Anyway. No matter what she says, force her to relax. She shouldn't worry about anything at all for once.'' Izuku asked the manager who nodded.'' Do not fret good sir, We are quite used to dealing with workaholics and those who seem to never sit idle. We shall make sure she will feel like a brand new person.'' Shino was placed down. Unsure and not really happy with the fact Izuku was gonna leave.'' remember you're a queen, so act like one.'' He kissed her on the lips, before using the warp warp fruit and teleporting away.

Shino stood awkwardly as a group of women, each one giving this soothing calm feeling surrounded her. A wheelchair pressed under her as she was lowered into the chair. a soft soothing music was played as he was rolled toward the first.'' We shall first start with a deep pallet cleanse. This will first be a full shower. We have bath options if preferred, but also a waterfall and normal rainfall.'' The manager spoke Shino nodded.'' I think the normal rainfall would be fine?'' Shino was confused. While the behavior was not something new. This was her first ever spa.

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