The big day

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It had been two whole days since the party ended, But thanks to Jordan's insanity, Some of the students that had participated were still hungover.'' I hate him, I hate him, I hate him.'' Mina whined as she slowly shuffled toward the kitchen holding her head in her hands. She could not remember a thing from the party. But she was sure nothing good happened, And none of the aspirin nor hangover cures could help her. But then she was not alone. Mostly all that decided to drink, Apart from Izuku and Jordan, felt it.

'' I told you not to try. We both have a highly increased Motebulism, You have seen me eat, How did you think drinking would be different'' Izuku said while he relaxed with a book. He was reading up on pregnancy, And while he had already read the books, like all of them, and remembered them perfectly, The fact that Nemuri would be giving birth any time now was driving him crazy nervous. So he just kept reading those books to be perfectly aware of everything that could happen. Not that it was a good thing.

Because now Izuku knew the chance of death was a factor, Sure with modern medicine it was like a 0,005% chance that Nemuri would die, but Then again, They did not have the same level of care that Nemuri had. But Izuku still worried.'' fuck you, okay, you're also to blame for not stopping me asshat.'' Mina cussed at Izuku as she tried hangover cure #442 The Bullseye. She added one raw egg to a glass of orange juice, Before mixing and downing the entire thing. Instantly Mina began gaging as the sludge tried coming up again, But she toughed it out and shuffled to the couch where she collapsed once more

'' I did try, A total of six times, But each time you found a new bottle to drink from. you were just unstoppable.'' Izuku softly spoke toward Mina before poking her once in the side to see, But Mina had passed out once more. So Izuku accepted the silence and just read. More students walked down almost like zombies Each one with their own hangover.'' I am never touching a bottle ever again.'' Setsuna got out before plopping face-first down on the floor still groaning at each moment.

Izuku smiled as he saw Ida with tape on his mouth. He had the day after loudly announced that drinking was bad for you and as a class of hero students it's a bad example we set for the future. This was of course far too loud and each of the students attacked him and taped his face shit, Same thing happened with Bakugo but he was already hungover so he wanted nothing more than silence.'' Please Midoriya, tell us you have a super cool power that can stop the hangover, Please I beg of you.'' Kaminari said from the kitchen.

But Izuku was stumped, He had nothing. He wasn't sure if his healing powers would even do something for them, But his thinking stopped when his phone rang.'' Hello, This is Midoriya Speaking?'' On the other line it was Izumi Curtis, His long-time teacher and one of the persons watching over Nemuri'' It's me, Kid, Just wanting to give the heads up, Labor is starting. So'' She did not finish her sentence before Izuku had teleported toward them, '' PAPA!'' Eri screamed excitedly as she ran toward Izuku, Kota followed suit. Izuku smiled as he crouched down opening his arms.

Once they were within reach He went forward and up, lifting the both of them as he started walking in the building. His mother was holding Nemuri's hand as his father stood away seemingly busy with something. Nemuri was walking over toward a large pool set up. It was one of the things Izuku had read about. While not merely a fact of life, Multiple mothers said it helped in soothing pain and feeling more in control. Some doctors also believe it could help with vaginal tearing by warming up the blood vessels near the uterus.  So they went ahead and did that.

A group of doctors walked in. While one of them might have been enough. Izuku was not taking any chances. First, an older gentleman was balding. While he had a nice white beard. The middle part breaded down reaching the middle of his chest the side was split wide. his head was bald up top with white hair at the back, Only on top he also had some colorful feathers. He himself instead of a common doctor's outfit wore sandals, light blue shorts, and a Hawaiian shirt, Next was an older woman, She had long white hair reaching her lower back.

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