The sports festival. Part 5

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It took Cementos a little while to fix the arena but he was now done and now it was time for the second round of fights. Izuku knew it was time for his fight and then it was announced. Izuku jumped over the railing shocking some of the students a little but he landed without a problem and walked into the ring.

Kendo walked in as well but she was rather scared about the next fight. She was about to go try and defeat a prince. Pony already attack him once and he had no problem with that so Kendo hoped that if Izuku would lose or get hurt she would not get punished.

Both stood in the arena and waited for the signal. Present Mic gave the signal and Izuku jogged forward forcing Kendo to act. She used her skill in Karate and attacked Izuku with a strong punch one that Izuku had no trouble dodging with Kendo responding with a left kick.

The kick was blocked by Izuku using his elbow to stop it but that moment Kendo did a straight punch right to the chest but right as it connected she used her quirk and enlarged her hand knocking Izuku back a good couple meters but not hurting Izuku in the slightest.

Izuku stood up with a big smile. '' That would have really hurt if it would have done anything,'' Izuku said as he grabbed his cheek and stretched it. '' I am rubber now. Blunt force won't work anymore.'' This made Kendo think a little before having an idea. She took a power stance and punched forward the attack itself wasn't even close to Izuku but as time went by Izuku could feel the pain come over his body and then Kendo enlarged her hand this made Izuku fly backward and roll over the floor. ''Hyakumaigawara Seiken'' Kendo said as Izuku landed on the floor.

The audience believes that Kendo would be killed right there and then for her actions against a royale. The Royale families were something strange. The information known about the royale families of japan was hard to believe. The media had always spoken positively about the royale families but everyone believed it was because of the fear of what could happen if they spoke negatively about them. The royale family of Africa and Amerika were the ones that everyone knew the most about. Africa was known for its treatment of its people and Amerika was known for its over-the-top actions and weird actions. 

One thing all of them had in common was that violence was never accepted. In Afrika, it was already a crime to look at a royale but it was normal that an attack on anyone from royale blood would be considered a war crime, and life in prison would be expected. Sometimes worse.

 Izuku got up slowly not on his hands and knees and started coughing up blood. This caused Kendo to become very worried and her first instinct was to run over and beg for them to not punish her family for her foolish actions but she was stopped when she heard laughing. She looked over at Izuku with tears almost showing up.

'' That was one hell of a punch Kendo. I am very impressed with your skill in Fishman Karate.'' Izuku said as he wiped the blood from his mouth and stood up. '' You used your quirk at the last moment to enlarge your hand and increase the damage. Smart and it gave me an idea.'' Izuku said as he then brought his thumb up to his face and took in a large amount of air.

He then bit into his thumb and blew into it. This caused everyone to look at the young prince thinking he was a little strange but then his arm grew in size shocking everyone.''Bone Balloon Gaint Pistol.'' Izuku now stood there was his arm the size of a bus and then he threw a punch at Kendo who could do nothing except use her quirk and use her large hands to block as much of the punch as possible. Kendo got send out of the ring and almost send into the wall but she landed short and rolled until she met the wall.

Present Mic announced Izuku's win as Izuku starts blowing air as if he was a balloon until he landed in the middle of the ring and stood at the size of a toddler. '' I did not expect that,'' Izuku said in a really high-pitched voice. Izuku then walked back in his still shrunken form until he got back to the sitting area of 1A where all the girls looked at him with blushes on their faces and the guys tried to not laugh at them.

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