Izuku's family

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Izuku's teachers and his classmates made their way to an open gym, Nemuri being a teacher had the right of allowing the usage of gyms which was handy. Izuku walked a little behind everyone. Nemuri and the girls were at the front enjoying the stories they had about Izuku while Eri was getting to know the three new people

All Three of Izuku's teachers had known Izuku for a long time. Rayleigh had been with the royal family when Izuku's grandfather became King. He started working in the royal army first and worked his way up. It was the same for the others. Izumi started working when Inko came into the scene, Kakashi when the current king Hisashi was crowned joined.

They all started training Izuku in fighting. All had different parts of training. Rayleigh's main focus was Haki and the infusion of Haki within weapons. While rayleigh was a kind old man Izuku had received so many beatings from the man that Izuku still had nightmares. Izumi was his combat instructor while having a large focus on weapons, Mainly swords. Kakashi however was focused on using quirks.

They got to an open area that looked a lot like the arena they fought in during the sports festival. Rayleigh walked into the ring and waited for Bakugo. who moved to the ring aswell.'' Are you sure you want to continue with this young man?'' Rayleigh said to give Bakugo and out.'' What old man, Scared I will kick your ass too hard.'' Rayleigh just laughed. '' First to give up, get knocked out or get kicked out of the ring, GO,'' Izuku said as he gave the signal.

Bakugo rushed forward with an explosion. He rotated his hands and began spinning and aimed for a spinning heel kick against Rayleigh's head which Rayleigh stopped by grabbing Bakugo's foot. He then used his other arm and hit Bakugo with an open palm strike right into his stomach making him fly back and nearly out of the ring but Bakugo was able to catch himself with an explosion.

Rayleigh let out a sigh,'' Was that all you had.'' He told the couching Bakugo. He got back up and again rushed forward. But instead of a spinning heel kick, he went for a wide high kick which Rayleigh just dodged by ducking under. Bakugo spun thru for a leg sweep which Rayleigh jumped over but as he was midair Bakugo smirked and aimed both palms at him and let off and a large explosion.

'' Hah, I got the old man.'' Bakugo said as the smoke was still blocking his few.'' Yeah I dont see him there anymore, Good job.'' Rayleigh said as he placed a hand on Bakugo's shoulder shocking the explosion user who tried bringing his palm to him but it was too late as Rayleigh tossed Bakugo out of the ring.'' I'm impressed, I didn't expect to use Geppo.'' Rayleigh said as he gave the signal for Izuku to enter.

Izuku went up with Eri cheering him on. '' Quirks or no quirks.'' No for now.'' Rayleigh answered. Izuku used Shave right as Nemuri gave the signal. He teleported right in front of Rayleigh and went for an elbow strike which Rayleigh Blocked with his forearm and went for a strike into Izuku's gut which Izuku was able to catch by the wrist. Izuku then went for a wrist lock But Rayleigh got out of the hold before he was locked in and flipped Izuku over.

Izuku jumped off but Rayleigh didn't let up and was right on him. They fought for a little while with none of them landing a real hit as they blocked, or deflected each attack. Until Izuku went for a feint elbow strike and was able to connect with a straight kick to Rayleigh's arm.'' I win old man.'' Izuku said with a laugh as Rayleigh nodded and walked off. 

Izuku wanted to go out himself but Izumi walked in.'' You ready for a second round brat.'' She said as she cracked her knuckles.'' You know I would but I just remembered that I uhm. I still have to wash my homework.'' Izuku tried to lie but Izumi was having none of it. She clapped her hands together and then on the floor and two stone swords popped out as ground was used.'' Then I will make this quick.'' She rushed forward with Shave. 

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