The Festival.

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By the time it was 1A'S job to perform, The entire building was packed. People were shoulder to shoulder basically all to catch the performance of the class that had Royalty. Jordan was pushed to the back by his wife Elisabeth, She did not want the banner to obstruct the view of the other watchers so they were all the way behind. But the show was starting. The red curtain was pulled apart from both sides as Sero and Kirishima pulled on the ropes.

Standing proudly on stage, Looking right at the crowd was the Musical group. Jiro is Standing in the middle. She was holding a purple Electric guitar. dressed in a matching Yellow T-shirt that the rest of the band was also wearing. A skirt and some ripped leggings.  Next to her stood both Kaminari and Tokoyami. Kaminari was holding his Yellow guitar while Tokoyami was rocking a black bass. Both wear dark jeans and yellow shirts. Then the last two, Were both behind. Momo on the Keyboard and Bakugo rocking the drums. Bakugo had a feral grin almost as if he was planning on killing everyone in the stands. and he was. Only not with an explosion, But with Music.

From both sides, the dance group came running up. Each is in a styled suit type of Uniform, Yellow with an offset of white. On the left side, just next to Kaminari and Momo, You had Mina. Nami, Ojiro, Ida. While on the side of Tokoyami and Bakugo, you had Ochaco, Tsuyu, Sato, and Aoyama. Mina chose each as they had the best grip on the dance routine. Kirishima had already moved from his spot on the side to above everyone. He high-fived Shoto as they got ready for the next stage.

'' THANKS FOR COMING TODAY!'' Kyoka screamed loudly with a large smile on her face. Now it was time for Izuku to get into action. Using the Gasu Gasu no Mi( Gas-Gas fruit) Izuku pushed out a large amount of smoke building up at the back. The strong smoke wind shocked some, But it all added to the show. The music started playing as the Lights were moved. All thanks to Robin and the use of her quirk, Sprouting many arms that were doing the work of many. But now the show was really just about to start.

The 8 dancers all started to move side to side as Kyoka began to sing. Pointing their fingers forward before slowly raising them to the sky, Only to then switch to the other hand. And the crowd was loving it. Sure it was just the start, But the beat working well with Kyoka's angelic voice was amazing. And none loved it more than Inko. She and Hisashi had hidden above the rest. Not wanting to steal the spotlight or ruin the moment. But Inko was swinging side to side with a massive smile on her face.

What am I to be?
What is my calling?
I gave up giving up, I'm ready to go
The future's left unseen
It all depends on me
Put it on the line to follow my dream

Now the dance changed. From swinging side to side while raising their arms. It was not turned a bit more complex, But still easy to follow. Step in. Slide the arm to the side and raise them up beside the head, Before walking in a circle and doing the same thing again only now turned around. As they turned back around. They locked their arms around the back and began Dipping their shoulders downwards. Once a little and then a deep dip, Before sitting on the other shoulder 

Tried all my life, I've tried to find
Something that makes me hold on and never let go

When Kyoka hit the Oh. It started to change the beat. The listeners could feel the hairs on the back of their necks and arms stand up from excitement. Just like the song was switching into a different gear, Now also the dancers and the crowd. Each jumped up high as the chorus started. Only now everyone had to work. Izuku using his precise control started to lift up the dancers as they jumped, making them reach a higher level, While at the same time raising the smoke. But the support group was not standing idle. Shoto Froze the railing on top. Allowing Kirishima to harden his arms and run around creating small shavings of ice.

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