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'' Common Tokoyami, you gotta at least keep up.'' Hawks said to his work-study students as he patrolled the street.'' I have not yet located the ability of flight within the darkness, thus being unable to keep up with you at your current speed.'' Tokoyami tried explaining to Hawks, But hawks knew. It was his Motto. get stuff done fast. Hell, even this was going pretty slow for the high-ranking hero. By this time would have done his patrol twice'' Yeah yeah, Just keep up. We are halfway done. Just the final part and then we can have breakfast.

Hawks had called up Tokoyami at 4, allowing him to meet up at 6 at the Hawks agency, Where he had a very fast meeting with the staff, Before going right into the first patrol. Because Hawk in his heart of hearts was lazy as fuck. He wanted to be done with stuff fast so he could spend more time doing nothing. It was why he lived off a little, He invested most of his money so he could have a fuck ton of it and do life how he wanted it. 

and with this early schedule, Hawks was done with work at 2 or 3, Right when his final patrol was and right when most other heroes started doing their hard patrols. It was the perfect schedule he had in his mind. And Tokoyami was forced to deal with it. Something the boy was very grateful for.'' By the way, why haven't you done the learning thing.'' what?'' Hawks flew down next to the bird boy.'' Okay so like you know that thing some people say to float you just gotta lean and support yourself.'' This just confused the two of them more.

'' Okay okay, so why not have dark shadow support you, as you support him? He can move freely because he is around you right, So why not wrap him around you so he is leaning on dark shadow, while darkshadow uses you to move around, it would give you like flight.'' This rather weird idea, an idea someone would come up with drunk and tired, could be of use. It could work.'' well have you tried it?'' N-no we have not.'' Well, fucking try then.'' Having no real reason to say no, They went ahead and tried it. 

Darkshadow went around Tokoyami and move its entire body upward, Much like how it would normally, But now Tokoyami was in the middle of it, Laying on top of the back of its body-like part, and much like Hawks thought, They were able to stay afloat, At least for a couple of seconds before they lost balance and fell right back on their asses.'' Well, that's what you're gonna be working on with me, Flight is way too handy to not learn.'' Hawks said before flapping his wings and raising up again. And just as he started his first day, There were others in the hero course that started their first day aswell.

Such Robin and Nana, who started their day a little later, started their day, around 8. Arriving right at Kamui's agency, Which was the one they would be using at the moment. And as they arrived, Not having eaten as was requested by the heroes in charge. But as they stood in the main room, they could see multiple tables with food.'' Good good, eat your fill, each and every piece of food here is created healthy and will surely cause you much growth as a hero trainee.

It was Death Arms thing, He wanted to make sure everyone always had the right fuel in his body, That they were always as healthy as could be, It was ironic as many knew that he was a chain smoker, He smoked nearly daily.'' Now then, First up for you all will be training,'' Kamui said, He heard from Yu about their training, He knew they were UA hero trainee's But he had to see their abilities with his own eyes, That way he knew how to use them to their fullest potential.'' Okay, how?'' Nami asked having just finished their food.

'' Well Death Arms will take Durga and train and I will take you Weatheria.'' Kamui told Nami as death's arms walked away with Robin and He and Nami walked toward a different part.'' Now then, Durga, I need you to punch my hand as hard as possible'' Robin taking the request at its face value just punched normally.'' Nope too weak stronger.'' I am not a real fighter, I focus more on support.'' Robin tried explaining.'' Why you're the only one able to punch as many times in one go? Just hit me as hard as you can.''

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