A man to man

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'' Ah man, I am so fucking hungover,'' Nami whined as she lay on the couch. Robin giggled from the kitchen as she took a sip from her coffee cup.'' I told you Nami, You should keep going for shots with Yu, She cheats. Each 'potty' break, She went out back and grew into her giant form. Changing the alcohol in her blood to nearly nothing.'' Izuku told her as he placed the plate down. It had a glass of water, Multivitamin juice, A plate filled with toast and Jam, And some Painkillers.'' Eat up, It will help you in the end.''

Izuku drank just as Much as Nami if not more, But then again, Izuku was larger, and he was used to it, He had partied to hell and back with the other Royalty, Well Apart from Shike, He really was someone that killed a party 99% of the time. So Izuku was good, Robin didn't take a single sip.'' Thankfully, We had the day off, But I think I am gonna go back to partol, I don't really have anything to do.'' Izuku said, Nami was gonna lay in bed and Robin would most likely be reading some books.

Thankfully, Sir Nighteye was open to the request and allowed Izuku to work. So he went right to getting dressed and heading over. And it was not a moment too late. He had just put his bag into his locker before an explosion shook the entire building. Each hero rushed forward.'' what the fuck.'' The entire front of the building had been caved in and in front of it, Katakuri stood, one hand a trident.'' KATAKURI OF THE BIG MOM SYNDICATE, WHAT IS YOUR REASON FOR COMING HERE.'' Sir called out first. Katakuri didn't say a single thing, he just looked over the group.

When he looked at Izuku, he raised his trident at Izuku. A simple message, He was here for one person. Izuku Midoriya, The man that took down his brother.'' If you are here for revenge, YOU will leave empty-handed. We won't just allow you to have your way.'' Sir Nighteye stepped forward, Same for Mirio and Bubble girl. Izuku smiled, knowing the comradery this agency had.'' I can either take his life alone, Or I will take all of your lives together.'' Katakuri explained simply. He was more than confident in his actions.

But Izuku wasn't gonna allow people to threaten people he cared for.'' Oy, You can threaten my life all you want, But the second you talk shit about my friends and those I care for, I won't sit still.'' Izuku said walking to stand side by side with his agency. Sir Nighteye moved to action. He threw one of his stamps right for Katakuri's head. But to Sir's surprise. The stamp went right thru his head and created a crack into the building behind him.'' Oh, how interesting.'' Izuku said with a smirk. 

'' Mirio, below, Bubble behind. Centi, support, And Akuma from the front.'' Sir spoke softly ordering his sidekicks to move. and they did, Mirio vanished into the ground. Bubble girl rushed one side. Izuku jumped right toward the front. Izuku went for a spinning sidekick over toward the head. Even if Izuku's aim was perfect, It was missed. Mirio popped up and aimed for an attack at the chest and it again missed, Same for Bubble girl,  All just missed. None of the attacks landed and all Katakuri did was stand still.'' Get it already, I am untouchable, You can't defeat me.'' Katakuri said as if he was above them all.

And just to prove it, He attacked them.'' First was Mirio, Katakuri brought his staff from the side and it connected with Mirio, He had tried to phase and boom right in the ribs, He fired Mirio away. He spun around, Again using the back end of his staff, He slammed it into Bubble girl's stomach. Before then stabbing the sharp ends at Sir Nighteye. The move was extremely quick and Sir was unable to move out of the way. Izuku however was fast enough. He stopped the spear with his hands,'' You have very strong observation Haki.'' Izuku said which was enough to shock the nearby heroes.

'' You saw it, Seems you aren't just lucky.'' Katakuri tried pushing forward but Izuku was not letting it move anywhere. Izuku applied force on the trident, Haki covered his hand applying more and more force until the Trident broke. The sharp point in the middle, Crumbling into chunks. Katakuri pulled back, Annoyed his weapon was broken.'' You might be the first to have stopped my attacks. I understand how you defeated my younger brother.'' Sir, I think it might be best for you all to head back and make sure, We keep it between us.''

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