Starting the Exams

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'' Man, I am happy that it's over, I hate taking tests.'' Kaminari said as they just stumbled into the dorm.'' I felt really good about those tests, Guess it's all thanks to Zuzu.'' Mina said as she went to sit on the couch tired from all the tests they had been taking for the past three days and they weren't done, They would now have to have a practical exam against what they assumed would be robots which after the pain of learning a lot was nice.

'' You did it yourself, All I did was help you stay focused on the task at hand,'' Izuku said as he went to the kitchen going to make some lunch for himself aswell as Eri. Eri had done her own exams, Ones Nemuri made special for her. They had a day off before Friday doing the practical. Which they would do some light training for.

Izuku was going to do some real working out and tried getting everyone else to do the same but they believed they would fight robots so they didn't need any real training, So while Izuku woke up early and went to train they were just having an off day. Then around 11 everyone else joined in but Izuku was already covered in sweat. He had been going hard since 7. 

Izuku hadn't only been doing strength training or stamina. He had been working out on his quirk. aswell as worked out with some of his weapons. He pulled out Enma and Ame once but they were rather hard to control as he on accident cut a building in half. It did give him some big rubble pieces that he used to work on his Haki.

When the others joined they were a little shocked seeing Izuku stand in the middle of a destroyed street while he kept punching pieces of building, After a punch broke off a corner of a house which everyone saw as beyond impressive Izuku just let out a scream in frustration. around 2 The others went back to the dorm while Izuku was still busy with his training.

He kept working on his Haki, He wasn't planning on using it during the exam, as if it was against Robots that would really not be needed, But if it was against People he wasn't sure it would be saved against people. He didn't want to on accident pour his Haki into someone causing their organs to blow up or something crazy like that.

But when he came stumbling in at 16:30, Absolutely drenched in sweat.'' ew not on the couch.'' Mina said as Izuku stumbled in.'' Come, sweety, Let's get you nice and cleaned up.'' Nemuri said as she moved Izuku toward the shower. She locked it from the inside as she helped Izuku to undress,  Izuku was tired so he really didn't know what to do. He just followed Nemuri's instructions.

Thankfully Nemuri understood how tired Izuku was and put him in the bath, Before scolding him for training too hard, Izuku fell asleep however, He was absolutely drained as he kind of went off script, He was too focused on his Haki training. He pushed himself further than he really wanted. But he woke up in bed. Ochaco and Mina already have a couple of containers filled with food ready for him. So he ate and went right back to bed.

When he woke and felt good. He felt a little tired but after eating his fill he was ready for the exam, They went to the location Nezu requested them before they all dressed in their hero outfit and made their way to the teachers who were waiting for them. aswell as all the students of 1B.

'' Hello students, Hope you all had a good night's rest. I assume you all have a thought of what the exam will be?'' Nezu asked cheerfully as Kaminari leaned back a little'' Bring on the Robots.'' As he cheered making Nezu laugh.'' Well yes, the exams use to be done with Robots but that will change. '' Mina blinked once.'' Used too?''' Yes Lady Ashido, Used too, You all will be fighting us.''  Nezu said as all the heroes gave a serious  glare, 

 Kendo raised her hand .'' So the forty of us against the twelve of you,'' False, Today the 39 of you will be fighting the 12 of us.'' I assume I am the oddball out.'' Izuku asked Nezu who nodded happily.'' Sir, why is Midoriya left out, Is this preferential treatment?'' Ida asked with Nezu laughing.''No, it's clear to us that Midoriya is very strong, But with his ranking as the world's next ruler, He will most likely be haunted by villains all over the world. So I want to make sure he would survive.'' Nezu said as with his hand behind his back he pressed a bottom which opened the gate behind him.

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