Secrets out.

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Hello readers I need your help. I have been trying to come up with cute nicknames for the girls and Izuku. I want to ask you guys for help. If you have a nickname for one of Izuku's girlfriends or even for one of the girls that will join the harem later please let me know as thinking of them is pretty irritating. I do have some already like Mochi for Uraraka or Boo for Toru ( Like what ghost say) but I want to know if you have any better. Some like Momo or Jiro I just can't think of a good one. It would help me out greatly if you would help.

Also, should I make it so people connected to the royal family ( Maids, Butlers, and girlfriends) could learn Haki only observation and or armament haki? I wanna go for yes so that means if no one comments they will learn haki.

Izuku woke up today happy his day couldn't get better. He has a date with Nemuri on Friday. He had his favorite breakfast again. He also started preparing for his dates he already knew Nemuri's favorite food as he was a massive hero fanboy. He went to school on his bike again, He wanted to use a different way of getting around but if he came with an expensive car that could make them ask more questions.

The day went pretty fine. when Midnight's lesson came around she gave a wink to Izuku causing him to blush and some of the others to feel Jeluas of both Midnight and Izuku. after that it was Homeroom. As Aizawa entered the room he spoke'' Shut up and sit down now we have the stuff to discuss.'' Everyone became quiet and sat down quickly '' Good now first thing for later. Today we will go to the USJ. we will go with Midnight and one other teacher who will be waiting for us there. Now something else to do now. You have to choose a  Class Representative and Vice Representative. Do this how you want. just be silent about it.''Aizawa said as he grabbed his sleeping back and fell to the floor.

As Aizawa went to sleep the students became loud will yelling out reasons for them to be chosen. Aizawa became angered by this but all of a sudden his life went quiet.'' Dont worry mister Aizawa I made you a silent stop so we won't interrupt your sleep.'' Izuku said as he used the Nagi Nagi no mi (Calm Calm fruit) Aizawa thanked him as this was one of the best things he has ever gotten from anyone. '' Okay now everyone please calm down a little we all know everyone wants the position but yelling will have no use. So let's try and find out a way that we will get the best result that will be best for everyone. We need 2 people so let's first choose the class Representative.''

'' I agree with Shimura on this yelling won't get us any further so let's vote on this.'' Ida suggested '' But won't everyone just vote on themself'' Kirishima asked '' Well I see it 2 ways we either keep it the same way and see who will receive the most votes will be the one chosen, Or we are not allowed to vote on ourselves.'' Well, let's do the first one '' Mina said with the rest of the class agreeing. Shortly after voting Izuku was voted as representative and Momo was given vice representative. Izuku was giving 8 votes and Momo received 5 votes with the closes after that being Ida with 2 votes

Both Izuku and Momo were in front of the class and Izuku spoke up'' I thank everyone for electing me but I wish to trade places with Yaoyorozu. I believe she would be a better fit for the position.'' Everyone agreed and the positions were switched With Izuku now removing the Silent Buble around Aizawa who quickly became depressed about it.'' I guess it was too good to be true well in 5 minutes it's lunch so do what you want I will be getting everything ready for later.'' Aizawa said as he walked out the room with the students quickly starting talking with each other.

'' Hey, Shimura thanks for giving me the position. '' Momo told Izuku.'' Dont worry about it I just spoke the truth it was because of your plan we won so that shows that you have the smarts.'' Izuku said with his eye smile. '' Wanna join us for Lunch?'' Momo asked Izuku'' Sure I would love to.'' Izuku went with Momo and her group consisted out of Todoroki, Jiro, Ida, Ochaco, Asui, Tokoyami, Mina, and Toru. He joined them as he enjoyed some conversations with them about nothing. 

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