Preparing for the exam

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 Welcome to chapter 50, Thanks to everyone for sticking with me, and hope you all still enjoyed the story. 

Izuku and the other royal families were inside the gates of UA, The week was over so the royal families were going back home.'' It has been a fun week Izuku, You should really visit us, We could make a party out of it for sure.'' Jordan laughed as Merlin rolled her eyes.'' You make a party out of anything.'' Jordan just laughed.

'' Dont worry I will try and come by some time,'' Izuku said with a laugh as he gave his friend a hug. '' In all honesty Izuku you really should find some time to come by perhaps with your new friends,'' Dwayne said assuring it was a real invitation one they wanted Izuku to follow up on

'' Same here mate, We could go croc hunting like we use to do as kids.'' Mike said as Izuku, Kurao, and Jordan all laughed while the girlfriends looked a little confused.'' You could do a round trip when you go to the second year.'' Kurao suggested with Izuku nodding. 

He hugged all of his friends goodbye, Izuku made each of them a promise that he would come by before the next meeting. Before they all went back home. Each entered their own vehicle before driving in different areas. Inko and Hisashi were the only ones left.

'' Eri, Always remember you can come by, '' Inko told Eri who smiled and nodded happily. '' Okay Grandma I will, I love you,'' Eri said as she hugged Inko who already started crying and hugging Eri. '' Honey, stop the tears please, We don't want you to faint because of dehydration again, do we.'' Hisashi said smile on his face,'' But Eri your always welcome to visit us, So when you get bored with papa, we will have fun.'' He joked as Eri laughed.'' I will grandpa, I love you too.'' Eri said with Hisashi stealing Eri out of Inko's grasp and hugging her whilst spinning around.

''Where will you be going mom?''Izuku asked as he went and hugged his mother.'' Oh, we will go and visit Mitsuki now and get some coffee with her.'' Izuku smiled with a chuckle.'' You haven't seen her in a while, Might be good for both of you to meet up again.'' This confused Inko a little but ignored it.

Hisashi with Eri in his arms tried hiding his a little, He did so very badly, He had the left side of his coat over her head.'' Well, we have to be going, Goodbye son.'' He said as Eri giggled.'' I cant grandpa I want to stay with papa and my mama.'' Hisashi grabbed his heart faking being hurt, But Eri went and hugged him one more time before being asked to be let down, She then ran right toward Mina.

''Bye-bye sweeties, Dont be afraid to call,'' Inko said from inside the car, Inko and Hisashi drove off waving back toward Izuku and the rest. Who went back to the dorm. '' Now Mister, Fun is over you know what that means right.'' Nemuri said with Izuku dropping his head a little.'' Yes, But can I at least make a request.'' What?'' Can you be a sexy teacher when we study?'' This resulted in Izuku getting a smack from Nemuri and a gasp.'' What are you saying, I am always a sexy teacher.'' She and everyone with her started laughing.'' You know what I mean.'' Izuku responded.

But back at the dorms, everyone was busy studying hard.'' I will get our books.'' Ochaco said with Izuku shaking his head. No need I already have them with me. He grabbed a scroll out of his pocket and rolled it out on the table. His right index and middle finger are extended, the other fingers are curled into the palm. then with a poof of smoke in the middle of the scroll came all of the books needed. He had used the Maki Maki no Mi (Scroll-Scroll fruit) 

They then started learning. Nemuri while she was a teacher and could help didn't, She was spending the time with Eri, Both were watching a movie on a laptop while the rest studied. Izuku was still behind with learning, But much like Momo or Robin He didn't need to study that much, Most of it was already known to him. But going over everything again was great, The best thing however was the test exams Aizawa has given them so they could test themselves over the weekend.

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