Hunting Stain.

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The moM date chapter will hopefully show up soon. I only need to write 5 or 6 dates. then just to connect the story. Sorry, it's taking me so long, I am really starting to get pissed at myself for it taking so long but it feels like each of these dates could be a single chapter. But I am at 25k words not so yeah. Enjoy the chapter and wish me luck.

Izuku and Nemuri reached Manual rather quickly. During the walk they had some people follow them for a short while as both Nemuri and Izuku hadn't been seen in Hosu yet, So it would be expected. They were not stopped so making it to Manual was only a short walk. 

As they reach the agency Nemuri was the first to enter. Izuku followed shortly after shocking the secretary. She knew he and Midnight were coming but seeing him in real life was still a shock. '' Hello, Sir, Midnight. Welcome to Manual's Hero agency.'' Izuku gave a soft smile hoping to put the visible nervous secretary at ease a little. Midnight spoke.'' Hi. We have a scheduled meeting with Manual and some other heroes.'' Y-Yes mam. It's on right down there. It should be the last door on the right.'' Both Midnight and Izuku thanked her as they walked away. Both could hear her let go of a breath of air.

As they entered the meeting room they noticed that they weren't the first ones there. Izuku saw Aizawa in his sleeping bag in the corner of the room. He also saw the Todoroki's with Burning a little away speaking on a radio. Last were the Ida brothers. Ida was checking his file to see if all the information was the same. '' Hello everyone.'' Midnight said gaining the attention as she had a newly updated hero suit. Izuku gave a wave to everyone.

Izuku enjoyed the reactions as he entered. Ida always straightened up and gave a short greeting, Thankfully using Midoriya instead of Prince. His older brother Ingenium slowly walked up, Most likely to introduce himself. Aizawa opened one eye but closed it right after seeing who it was. Shoto acted normal but he did give a wave back. Burnin went proper hoping to not embarrass herself. Toya didnt really know how to act but decide to act as normal as possible

The Todoroki's much like the Tensei walked to greet Izuku. '' Hello, Prince. It's a pleasure to meet you in person.'' He said as he offered his hand.'' The pleasure is all mine Ingenium. It's a great pleasure meeting so many strong and cool heroes. Also Just call me Akuma or Midoriya that is fine.'' Tensei gave a nod and went to speak a little with Nemuri about her new Hero suit. He was in her class during her first suit which was nothing more than panties and a belt on both her breast and her hips. and a coat. It was a little revealing and distracting if being honest.

'' Hello, again Midoriya. Hope you have been well.'' Rei said with a friendly smile.'' I have been great. Hope you all are doing good aswell Miss, Todoroki.'' Midoriya I would like to introduce my son, Toya Todoroki or Dabi.'' Toya offered his hand and told him it was an honor meeting him.'' This is Burnin or Moe Kamiji She is Engaged with Toya.''  Izuku shook her hand aswell with her being very nervous. Much so causing many to stifle a laugh.

They all spoke a little more getting to better know each other. Endeavor informed everyone that his Sidekicks at this moment were patrolling and would press a panic button as soon as they found Stain or something happened that they couldn't handle. 

After around 5 minutes the rest entered the room which was the Ryukyu Agency with Mirko. Nejire ran right up to Izuku and jumped on him, Barely moving him but giving a heart attack to Manual, Ida, Yuyu, and Burnin. '' Hi there Hado.'' Nejire now pouted and poked his cheek.'' Not good, Call me Nejire.'' Ryukyu and Yuyu this time pulled Nejire off his back much against her will.

'' Sorry Midoriya, I apologize for my intern's actions,'' Ryukyu said hoping it wouldn't be too bad.'' Dont worry about it. Hope you all have been doing great since we have last spoken.'' Oh, Fuck yeah we have. I have been training that Six powers thing and nothing can stop me.'' Mirko declared as she placed one foot on top of a chair. 

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