Let the party begin

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Izuku slowly floated back to the dorms, He noticed Nemuri and Eri had already gone and left meaning the group most likely had started setting the party up. he saw everyone soon enough, The doors being open wide, a cooler being pulled out, Todoroki making a small tower of ice, With Kirishima hardening his fist, breaking the ice into smaller parts, that they used to fill the cooler right for Izuku.'' I got the drinks.'' Izuku said touching everything in the bags, and he started floating the beer bottles. This was to get them cold. 

'' We need more area for the bottles.'' Izuku dropped to the floor softly floating the bottles down as he walked up and raised his hands to use a new fruit Yuki Yuki no mi( snow snow fruit), A blizzard of  pure snow started being released from Izuku's hands, and a large hill, the size of all might be quickly made.'' Now we can push the bottles in and have them slowly cooled.'' I doubt there is something you are unable to do.'' Shinso said his eyes wide in shock.'' That's not true, I am unable to swim,'' Izuku joked with a smile making Shinso scoff.

'' Oh we got some nice beers, tho we might be lacking on snacks,'' Kaminari said with a sigh as he rubbed the back of his head.'' Nah we're good, I can always grab some snacks. I might have non with me, But we can always just order some. I know a good restaurant that often has alot of meat for sale.'' Mina didnt buys it so she walked up, stabbing her finger in his chest.'' for everyone or just for you.'' Izuku laughed trying to walk away, But He quickly felt Robin at his back, Not the real her, just two of her hands she had spouted on his back.

'' I don't know okay, But they do for me, What you don't want some A5 wagyu beef on the grill.'' As Izuku said this Mina's hand slowly went soft as she licked her lips remembering the amazing taste of the steak.'' Fine, But consider this blackmail, which is TOTALLY not heroic.'' Mina said giving Izuku the stink eye, all in a playful manner, But Izuku was more interested in Kaminari who pulled out his phone, and with a stretched hand pointed the screen at himself.

'' YO YO YO, BRO'S AND HOES, ITS A BOYYY, KAMI D, REACHING OUT LIVE FROM THE UA DORM, CAUSE WE ABOUT TO PARTY.'' He spoke loudly on his phone.'' Camie, what is he doing.'' Izuku asked, having never seen that before, Camie gave a laugh.'' He is live On instantgram, Speaking with his'' she started using air quotations.'' Fans'' Kaminari seemed to hear this as he turned to look at them.'' And you know guys, sometimes you just gotta ignore the haters, They just want your downfall, so just keep on that grind.'' Izuku was interested so he walked up, trying to see what he was seeing.

'' How many people are watching.'' Izuku asked from the side.'' You know we rocking a group, We are a solid 200 strong right now babyyy.'' He went long on the last word, with Izuku nodding, Turning around as Mina started putting her hands in his pocket, fishing for his phone.'' Let's get you live, would be fun.'' Izuku nodded as he opened his phone and went to instantgram,'' Now what.'' He wasn't a fan of these apps, of course, had his own account but he just didnt use it.'' Oh my god, What are you 1000 years old.'' Camie said with a fake sigh.

She did just set it up, putting the live on and giving the phone back to Izuku, He didnt really know what to do.'' Uhm now what.'' Kyoka walked up, and looked at the phone, Her eyes quickly being drawn toward the number at the top right.'' AH.'' She jumped out of the way, which just made the other jump in to watch'' WHAAAAA!!'' Setsuna screamed not believing her eyes, In the not even a minute that Izuku had gone live, He was already at around 30.000 people and it was rising quickly.

'' What, Did I mess something up?'' Robin shook her head as she laughed.'' Fufufu, No We are all just slightly shocked by the number of watchers.'' Oh haha, well hello everyone.'' Izuku spoke first in Japanese, But then quickly switched to English so more people would be able to understand him.'' Well hey everyone, This is my first, whatever this is. Uhm, kinda weird talking to a phone like this.'' Izuku as he read most of the comments, It was hard as there were alot of them, either people joining or commenting on stuff

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