more training

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'' Don't slack now, The hard part is only beginning.'' Rayleigh scolded, Momo as he gave her a smack with the cane. She nodded her head as she rubbed the spot that he smacked. Training had only been 1 hour at this point. Rayleigh smacked again this time he aimed it right at Setsuna's neck, Only for her to float it to dodge. But this just got her to get a different smack on top of her head.'' I was very specific about the no quirk use young lady, You can't rely on just that.''

'' But who says this could help, what if we get jumped by like a billion people.'' Pony asked annoyed that she kept being smacked because she couldn't dodge fast enough.'' Then this will still easily help you  succeed and win.'' I Dont believe you. it would just be too much.'' Pony said still robbing her lower back.'' Well then, let's test that out.'' Rayleigh said with a sigh as he pulled out one of the many blindfolds he had ready for the next part of this test. Covering his eyes completely and leaving him in the dark.'' Now attack me all at once.''

The group stood in shock for a moment, Unsure of what had just been asked of them.'' Either you started attacking me or training will continue.'' This brought them out of the shock and they decided a little payback would be okay, even if that payback meant teaming up with an old man. So all the girls grabbed their Bamboo sticks and simply started swinging them at Rayleigh who without effort or worry dodged each and every attack, It looked as if he was dancing around the attacks. They all came close, But that was just because Rayleigh moved with as little effort as he could.

'' Now this is only the first stage, This is the use of observation Haki, which senses danger, I already explained the others to you. But that right now is not important. When you perfect the base form of this, you will be able to evade all attacks when your acting level-headed, emotions often cloud one judgment which causes you to just lose focus, and once you lose focus you are able to be defeated.'' Rayleigh spoke just like a teacher giving a lesson and not someone evading attacks from 12 girls.

'' But once you master the base of Armement aswell, Protecting yourself will be beyond easy.'' Rayleigh showed his two arms were coated haki, Which caused Rayleigh to easily break the Bamboo sticks. Leaving them with nothing and Rayleigh fine, showing nothing even touched him.'' See it's one of the most useful abilities, While armament does allow you to attack, some teachers might believe, the best defense is a good offense, But it's not, The best defense is the one that causes you to never be hit. And that is what I am teaching you right now, It might be a pain but it's necessary.

On the other side of the training ground, Izumi just finished the warm-up.'' ARE YOU ALREADY DONE?'' She screamed at the just prone students that were groaning on the floor.'' I thought you all wanted to get stronger, Not stay weak forever.'' Kirishima was the first one to struggle up. He rolled his shoulder.'' It's not Manly to just give up.'' Y-your right.'' Tetsutetsu added as he also struggled up to his feet.'' Girl power right.'' Kendo got out as she pushed herself to her feet. Many started following as a small army now stood before Izumi.

'' Good, Good, At least your wills are not pathetic, You have a chance to grow into something, Now let's start the real training. It will be the Six powers. That prince already learned you the base skills at least. For the movement once, So We are going train in finger pistol,'' Ma'am which one is that?'' Izumi crouched down and stabbed her finger into the concrete. It gave the students a scare at first, They believed that she just broke her finger. But nope as she lifted her hand again, a perfect hole was created.'' This is finger pistol, Now get started.

Izumi laughed as she started forcing everyone to just increase their speed with punching. '' SPREAD THOSE LEGS BEFORE I PULL THEM OFF AND JUST BEAT YOU TO DEATH WITH IT.'' She screamed at Sato who quickly complied with the request. It was then that they noticed Izumi cared, In her own way. Sure, When those who messed up she gave them a fucking beating and forced them to start over again.'' THAT PUNCHING FORM IS HORRENDOUS, I NEED 1000 PERFECT FORM PUNCHES RIGHT NOW.'' Izumi screamed at Awase who only for a short bit dropped but then went back fully.

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