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1k WOOW love and thanks to all my readers. I hope you all keep enjoying my stories as I still have a great time writing both stories and even have chapters done in a week in advance. At the moment this story is in the front part of my mind as I still can push it longer.  I love all the comments I see and I try to respond to each and every one of them but sometimes I dont know how to respond. I am always open to suggestions and questions. Even weird question for background or info about quirks.

Okay so with the votes I have seen so far Izuku's girlfriends will receive Haki training. I will only give it to the girls for now and they will receive training later on in the story. I dont think I will give Haki to the others. I am also thinking about adding Nami and Robin into the story and Izuku's harem. Also, I will add the Wood Wood fruit. This is a fanmade fruit but I myself love wood powers so yeah he will get this as well. Now enjoy the chapter.

'Now you will find out why you should have never angered me this much.'' Izuku said as he stood at the bottom of the stairs.

'' Kill the prince.'' The man ordered his minions. leaving him only with a guy who had a sword on his hip, A man covered in mist only showing 2 yellow eyes, and a large beast with Black skin that had tears in it showing exposed muscles and a bird beak with its brain exposed.

The minions rushed at Izuku who used the Mera Mera no mi ( Flame Flame fruit). He then used Hotarubi and pointed his open palms outwards. Both his palms shined light green and out came small green balls of flame that gave the idea of Fireflys making the villains slow their charge and look at the small flames. The flames were warm and didn't hurt anyone but they now covered the entire area leaving all the villains surrounded by multiple Green fireflies.

Izuku then yelled out.'' Hidaruma'' This made all the fireflies explode in flames covering each villain and burning them but not killing them. They all fell on the floor with only a small number still standing. Each villain on the floor was knocked out by the intense heat of the Fireflies.

The small group of villains became enraged by how easily their comrades got taken out by this brat. They didn't care anymore about the fear they felt not minutes ago that was still in the back of their minds. They didn't care anymore about them facing the prince of Asia. All they cared about now was to injure or kill this brat.

They got ready for a fight of their lives and they activated their quirks.  They rushed over as fast as they could. Izuku saw them coming as they all were pretty slow and he cocked his fist back as his fist was ready to be shot forward it was set ablaze and he punched forward saying his attack move.'' Hiken'' as his fist shot forward it became larger and larger. The fist kept going forward extending its reach and growing in size now being the size of a small house it flew at the villains. With only 4 of them escaping the large attack.

The 4 of them stood slightly injured. Burns and scratches all over their body. They thought that they could now win as Izuku's flamed hand was now turning back to normal. In their mind, Izuku was reaching his limit and decided to rush at him to kill him. Izuku just thought that the Mera Mera would do much better attack larger groups so he went for close combat for these 4 thugs.

Thug 1 used his quirk that makes his knuckles explode on contact and tried hitting Izuku with many punches but Izuku slipped thru a right he threw and was able to connect a strong hook right to the chin of the thug knocking him out with a dislocated jaw. with his left hand, Izuku grabbed hold of Thug 1 head and used him to take out Thug 2 that was close behind him. Using the skull of Thug 1 as a weapon. 

Thug 2's nose broke then the skull made contact. Thug 1 was thrown away with Izuku standing in the area of Thug 2 who was clutching his broken nose. Izuku punched right on the broken nose making the thug fall to the floor crying in pain. Thug 3 swung an ax right at Izuku who dodged the attack. 

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