The internships. pt2

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While Izuku received his welcome from the Midnight boys the others from UA received their welcome. All the heroes were very welcoming and friendly. 


Aoyama went with Glitter at his Britgtly agency. Glitter was a hero that fits Aoyama's style perfectly. Glitter was able to shoot out a glittery beam. He shot them out from his hand. Aoyama could do the same in his hero costume.

On the first day, Aoyama was taught to keep moving. The training was simple. A dummy was set up with Aoyama being tasked to hit it. The catch was that Aoyama was forced to keep moving. Glitter who was watching the training himself continued to shoot glitter beams at the strength of a strong punch. This way Aoyama would learn to stay on the move and to become better at dodging something he looked rather bad at that during the Sports Festival.

His training would consist of this and strengthening his core. The power of the beam comes from the power of the core. At least that was what Glitter had assumed as it was the same for him and his forearms.  They would do parols every other day whilst focusing on paperwork the other days. Glitter was one of the Fake dirty heroes. Glitter would be friendly with Aoyama to create a good connection so that reporting him would be a little harder.


Ashido went with Black Cat. She had a weak cat quirk. But it gave her abnormal flexibility. She used that to her advantage in her hero work. She wasn't a hero that was battle orientated but she could hold her own. She could use her nails and scratches but she relayed for more on submission holds.

The first thing they did at the agency was stretching. Ashido already being used to stretching as she was a dancer. Ashido was far more flexible than the average person but the Black cat was at the next level. Ashido did learn some new stretches.  When they trained they didn't really focus on Ashido's acid as  Black Cat didn't have any experience with those quirks.

 While they were doing some light workouts they spoke. '' So Ashido,  is your classmate is indeed the Prince of Asia.'' Yeah it, But not just a classmate.'' Ashido let slip without thinking. BC( Black Cat) became intrigued '' Oh please tell me more.'' I cant, Not yet at least. It's supposed to be a secret.'' With that Ashido the gossip queen of 1A stayed quiet. It didn't stop BC from trying to find out the truth.

- Asui

Tsuyu was tasked with cleaning the first day. It wasn't something she enjoyed but she did like her supervisor. Sirius was tasked with teaching Tsuyu the ropes of being an intern. The first order of business was cleaning. A hero agency had to look the part. But not to say they only cleaned. They also did work on what paperwork is needed for what crime. 

Paperwork was a rather large part of hero work. For each crime scene or stopped you had to fill in a report. For each Criminal, you had to fill in a report so crimes committed by a larger group you had to fill out a report for each criminal. If you happen to give treatment to someone wounded you had to fill that in as well with what treatment was given and such. It was rather overwhelming but Sirius informed Tsuyu greatly.


Ida was interning with his older brother. He had already been at his brother's agency before and knew the sidekicks working there. Ingenium was a respectable hero in the field that always acted with the lives of the people nearby in his mind, But when at the agency he preferred to slack a little. 

And now that was exactly what he was doing. Tensai had his feet on his desk whilst reading a book. It was something he enjoyed doing and seeing as right now he had no open cases or any paperwork to be done and he had already sent 4 groups out for patrol he could lazy around a little. Ida not so much. He looked at his brother as if he was committing a war crime. 

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