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Izuku walked back out.'' What just happened.'' Nothing happened, Don't worry, Just a small misunderstanding but don't worry we fixed it right up, But what now, More training or maybe some food?'' Pixie-bob spoke a little worried about her friend.'' Well, The plan for you is to start getting your sleeping area ready, While we prepare food for Today, tomorrow you will have to cook yourself.'' Izuku nodded happily, The bus was already unloaded by Tiger and Aizawa, and Vlad as they had to wait.

'' Let me guess, You didnt do anything for our bed didnt you.'' Nemuri giggled.'' Of course not, I'm a princess, That sort of work is not suited for such a woman like myself, Do keep that in mind.'' Of course. My apologies Princess let me.'' Izuku said as he grabbed the extra items for the bus spot.'' Where are we sleeping.'' Follow me. I will show everyone where they will be sleeping.'' Aizawa said as Vlad had to wait for his students.

'' You all will sleep at the west side of the Pussy cat compound, Now with how it's set up it will be split boys and girls, That will mean that those dating will not be sleeping together will sleep apart is that a problem.'' Tsuyu and Tokoyami shook their head, aswell as Izuku and his girlfriends, Nemuri preferred sleeping with Izuku as she just loved her head on his strong chest, She couldn't think of anything better

But Izuku first moved toward the girl's side to help Nemuri set up her sleeping area. He had gotten her a nice thick air mattress, One he instantly filled up using the Gasu Gasu no Mi( Gas Gas Fruit). '' Oh, what will you sleep up.'' Nemuri asked worried as they only had brought one bed with Izuku just smiling.'' Dont worry, I could sleep on spikes. But I'm prepared.'' He walked outgoing toward his sleeping area shared with the guys who had all taken their spot and left one open for Izuku.

'' Forgot my futon damn.'' Ida stood up.'' I SHALL ASK THE TEACHER IF THEY HAVE ONE.'' Izuku stopped him.'' No need Ida, Sometimes you just gotta improvise.'' Izuku used before using Uddo Uddo no Mi( Wood Wood Fruit (fanmade) and created a simple bed frame large enough for himself before Wara Wara No Mi ( Straw straw fruit) to create a lot of straw as a bed to sleep on.'' See Perfect, Have slept on far worse.'' Izuku said as he went to lay using his bag as a pillow.'' Perfect.'' 

'' You slept on worse?'' Sato asked with Izuku still with his eyes close.'' Yeah, when I was 7 my teacher dropped me into the forest from a helicopter trip. Or that time I was thrown into the mountains to train.'' WHAT.'' Yeah, they had strange ways of training me, But it got me stronger I want to believe.'' While Izuku said that everyone just thought it could be seen as child abuse.

But Izuku stood up, added an extra layer of straw before putting his bags under the bed to keep it nice and neat. Nemuri walked in to tell them to get ready for a full explanation of what they would be doing. But she saw the bed'' Really, You have a bed and have me sleeping on the floor.''

Nemuri didnt say more except laughter.'' I assume we should follow you.'' Ida asked with Nemui nodding as her laughter died down.'' Yes, 1B has also arrived and rested slightly, So they want to go over the activities.'' Everyone nodded and agreed with Nemuri. Everyone walked ahead as Izuku held Nemuri back.'' Did you talk with Fuyumi before we went, I forgot.'' Nemuri nodded, Which got her a kiss from Izuku.'' Thank you for that.''

They quickly added onto the class as The Wild-Wild Pussycats began explaining the whole idea of camp.'' Hello students, I am Mandalay, I am one of the four members of the Pussycats, We four will be in charge of your training this week, Tiger Shall be training those with Strength quirks, He will train those in hand to hand,'' She said pointing at  Tiger who stood looking scary at the students.

'' Pixie-bob will create a perfect training ground for everyone So that everyone can get their perfect training area, Aswell as creating multiple targets for those that use range abilities and will need targets.'' Pixie-bob gave everyone a wink and a smile as Mandalay went on.'' The last two will be Ragdoll and me.'' She said as Ragdoll gave a peace sign with her tongue sticking out the side and Mandalay gave a kind smile.

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