Fighting Stain.

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--Just after the Radio call.--

Izuku had to get to Nemuri. He could feel how nervous her Aura was. He didn't blame her one bit. Nemuri had been a hero for a while and during her time she had seen and been thru a lot. The worse she had been thru was a close death.

But death wasn't really what scared her. She was scared to leave her loved ones. She didnt want to leave Izuku Or Eri. And now she was going to fight a man that nearly no one could fight one on one.

Izuku started moving. He believed Nemuri could fight Stain. Her quirk alone should get him knocked out. So Izuku decided to move to Nemuri but he would take out the close Nomu as quickly as possible while keeping an eye on Nemuri's Aura.

Izuku went fast with Jutte in hand. Not even 5 seconds later he found the first Nomu. It was about to bite a woman in half. Izuku used Soru(Shave) To stand right next to the Nomu. With his finger extended Izuku sends out 2 Shigan(FingerPistol) Into the Nomu. One Thru his jaw breaking both sides because of the strength and making biting down impossible. The other went right thru the brain stem.

The Nomu fell lifeless on the floor dropping the woman aswell. '' Are you fine miss.'' The woman just nodded as she cried. The sidekick that was with Izuku finally arrived aswell.'' Dont worry Akuma-Sama, I will make sure she gets to safety, Keep going forward.'' The sidekick said as he started using his quirk which sort of made him a private Radio station and started contacting every sidekick that would be in Izuku's path to help him with the people.

Izuku just gave a nod and got on his way. He saw a piece of building break off and fall toward a grandmother and her grandchild. Izuku used Jutte and shot out a flurry of Shigan's turning the rubble into nothing more than dust. Izuku didnt stopped seeing as a sidekick of Endeavor ran out the alleyway and started helping them. Even if Izuku had not reacted the family would have still been safe. 

He got quick to a mid-point right close to the Ryukyu group who were still fighting a group of Nomu. Izuku used Gepo(Moonwalk) and jumped up. He threw his Jutte as hard as he could but he was slightly late. Yuyu who was fighting a Nomu that could regrow its claws and regen any Injuries that Yuyu could give him just received a claw right into her forearm, But before the Nomu could push its claw further down and pierce the red-haired chest he was pierced from the side and staked into the floor.

Yuyu who didnt see the Nomu even struggle anymore looked at the sight of the attack and noticed it was Izuku who just landed. ''You okay?'' Before Yuyu could answer Izuku's face changed. He went from calm and slightly worried, To pissed off, Scared and Worried. '' NEMURI,'' Izuku yelled out as he started moving with Soru and Gepo much like a rocket right thru the city. The last Yuyu saw was Izuku reaching from his chest and seeing a white hilt.

-- Back to the present

'' Now you will die first, weakling.'' Stain said to the crying Nemuri who was unable to move as the knives had her pinned down. Stain grabbed Shusui and placed it right onto Nemuri's stomach. Its tip piercing her skin slightly. She tried hitting Stain with a kick but Stain grabbed her ankle and then pierced Shusui down.

Nemuri let out a scream in pain as Stain slowly pushed his sword down into Nemuri's stomach.'' YOU MOTHER FUCKER.'' Stain quickly lifted the blade out of Nemuri and used to blocked 2 sword strikes that shot him back far. He looked at who just attacked him.

Izuku stood above Nemuri looking at Stain with so much hatred and anger on his face. He was holding 2 swords. In his left hand was a long katana with a black handle. It had a cross-shaped guard and a black lacquered sheath. The blade itself was normal in appearance and its pattern was midareba or irregular pattern. Its name is Yubashiri. In his right hand was Wado Ichimonji.

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