The moving pieces

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'' WHO THE FUCK ARE THE FUCKING IDIOTS,'' Bakugo screamed angrily at the horde of weird animal-type quirk users. While on patrol, The Endeavor agency was ambushed. While Endeavor knew he was patrolling near the Beast Syndicate area, He did not expect them to attack so randomly. But sure enough, 20 grunts jumped out of the shadows and started fighting them. Bakugo had finished one of them. A normal-looking person only had 2 crab arms and two giant crab arms. Endeavor grabbed two by the throat, One with bat wings and someone with a shell on his back almost like a snail.

In one swift motion, he slammed their heads together, and a loud clang was heard before he released both to the floor.'' THEY ARE BEAST SYNDICATE, DONT LET UP, DEFEAT, AND ARREST THEM ALL.'' Endeavor screamed as he went to fight more of them. '' Weaklings all of them.'' Dabi called out as he just kneed a giraffe quirk user in the stomach before jabbing them in their very long neck.'' Jump.'' Shoto called out as he crouched down. Both hands are down on the concrete.  Each one Jumped, But just like the hero team. Some villains jumped, Or flied

However, Bakugo expected that. He had waited for one of them to jump. Bakugo in his time training had stayed clear of Haki, While it was objectively powerful, seeing, No matter how much he hated to hear it, was sort of like Izuku's son. Had the right to learn Haki, But he didnt want to learn that yet. He however did learn the six arts. And he was getting great at it. Including shave. Just like he used to now. One of the villains with wings flew up.

Bakugo just like that was right above him, A single explosion on the back. So fast the Thug wasn't able to register that he was shot right down to the ground. Just in time for Shoto. A quick single powerful attack. A thick line of ice covered the area, Each villain that stood on the floor was wrapped in ice, Unable to move.'' Fucking weaklings, 20 men wouldn't even be enough to stop me alone.'' Bakugo said with a smirk on his face. Hell, he felt wrong calling them men.'' Guess one Saber is more than enough then.'' The heroes looked at the new arrival. A large man wearing a suit of sorts standing on top of one of the nearby houses.'' WHO THE HELL ARE YOU, WEIRDO.'' Burnin yelled only for him to transform into a beast, A human sabertooth tiger hybrid.'' Who's who?''


'' Come on Red Riot, Dont keep standing. We have to keep walking.'' Fatgum told the hero in training.'' YES SIR, SORRY SIR.'' Kirishima yelled out loudly before shuffling back toward Fatgum. As they turned a corner. they notice someone running. A man with a mask covering his head, Sprinting passed them with a lady's bag in his arms.'' A Shoplifter.'' SUN EATER.'' Fatgum yelled as he noticed the sidekick on the other end.

The shy sidekick ducked at the fact his name was called but he turned his head anyway. He noticed the thug. Two large brown wings popped out and with a single push, SunEater flew forward, Right in the path of the Thug.  On the other hand, Kirishima had gone in a full sprint after the thug, Just in case he wanted to turn around. But just like that, He stopped in the middle of the street and darted into an alleyway. Both stopped in front already noticing Fatgum was following, But they could not just stand and wait.

Both walked into the alleyway.  A single moment. At that moment, Kirishima hardened his quirk. to the absolute limit he was able to do. Suneater did the same. Using the Crab he had for lunch. Together with the Turtle, Just for protection. Thankfully Both were able to stay alive But both were forced out of the alley right into the opposite side of the street. Both of Kirishima's arms had been broken as he raised his guard. Suneater's shell cracked, It honestly felt like his entire back broke. Both were nearly one shot.

'' Wiiihahaha THE FIGHTING CHAMPION KNOCKS DOWN TWO OF HIS OPPONENTS AT ONCE, TO REMAIN THE UNDEFEATED FIGHTING CHAMPION'' an extremely large man spoke as he stepped out from the alley.  He stood at nearly three meters. His legs were that of a normal human, Wearing normal light blue jeans. A belt he wore a golden belt, One often seen if fighting sports. He wore a shirt without sleeves, striped vertically with white and back. And on his elbows, he wore guards, with normal gloves, His large beard reaching down to his chest, and the top of his face covered with a mask

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